Source code for fitgrid.utils.summary

import copy
import warnings
import re
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import fitgrid

# enforce some common structure for summary dataframes
# scraped out of different fit objects.
# _TIME is a place holder and replaced by the grid.time value on the fly

INDEX_NAMES = ['_TIME', 'model', 'beta', 'key']

# each model, beta combination has all these values,
# some are per-beta, some are per-model

# special treatment for per-model values ... broadcast to all params
PER_MODEL_KEY_LABELS = ['AIC', 'SSresid', 'has_warning', 'logLike', 'sigma2']

[docs]def summarize( epochs_fg, modeler, LHS, RHS, parallel=True, n_cores=4, **kwargs ): """Fit the data with one or more model formulas and return summary information. Convenience wrapper, useful for keeping memory use manageable when gathering betas and fit measures for a stack of models. Parameters ---------- epochs_fg : fitgrid.epochs.Epochs as returned by `fitgrid.epochs_from_dataframe()` or `fitgrid.from_hdf()`, *NOT* a `pandas.DataFrame`. modeler : {'lm', 'lmer'} class of model to fit, `lm` for OLS, `lmer` for linear mixed-effects. Note: the RHS formula language must match the modeler. LHS : list of str the data columns to model RHS : model formula or list of model formulas to fit see the Python package `patsy` docs for `lm` formula langauge and the R library `lme4` docs for the `lmer` formula langauge. parallel : bool n_cores : int number of cores to use. See what works, but golden rule if running on a shared machine. **kwargs : key=value arguments passed to the modeler, optional Returns ------- summary_df : `pandas.DataFrame` indexed by `timestamp`, `model_formula`, `beta`, and `key`, where the keys are `ll.l_ci`, `uu.u_ci`, `AIC`, `DF`, `Estimate`, `P-val`, `SE`, `T-stat`, `has_warning`, `logLike`. Examples -------- >>> lm_formulas = [ '1 + fixed_a + fixed_b + fixed_a:fixed_b', '1 + fixed_a + fixed_b', '1 + fixed_a, '1 + fixed_b, '1', ] >>> lm_summary_df = fitgrid.utils.summarize( epochs_fg, 'lm', LHS=['MiPf', 'MiCe', 'MiPa', 'MiOc'], RHS=lmer_formulas, parallel=True, n_cores=4 ) >>> lmer_formulas = [ '1 + fixed_a + (1 + fixed_a | random_a) + (1 | random_b)', '1 + fixed_a + (1 | random_a) + (1 | random_b)', '1 + fixed_a + (1 | random_a)', ] >>> lmer_summary_df = fitgrid.utils.summarize( epochs_fg, 'lmer', LHS=['MiPf', 'MiCe', 'MiPa', 'MiOc'], RHS=lmer_formulas, parallel=True, n_cores=12, REML=False ) """ FutureWarning('fitgrid summaries are in early days, subject to change') # modicum of guarding msg = None if isinstance(epochs_fg, pd.DataFrame): msg = ( "Convert dataframe to fitgrid epochs with " "fitgrid.epochs_from_dataframe()" ) elif not isinstance(epochs_fg, fitgrid.epochs.Epochs): msg = f"epochs_fg must be a fitgrid.Epochs not {type(epochs_fg)}" if msg is not None: raise TypeError(msg) # select modler if modeler == 'lm': _modeler = fitgrid.lm _scraper = _lm_get_summaries_df elif modeler == 'lmer': _modeler = fitgrid.lmer _scraper = _lmer_get_summaries_df else: raise ValueError("modeler must be 'lm' or 'lmer'") # promote RHS scalar str to singleton list RHS = np.atleast_1d(RHS).tolist() # loop through model formulas fitting and scraping summaries summaries = [] for _rhs in RHS: summaries.append( _scraper( _modeler( epochs_fg, LHS=LHS, RHS=_rhs, parallel=parallel, n_cores=n_cores, **kwargs, ) ) ) summary_df = pd.concat(summaries) _check_summary_df(summary_df, epochs_fg) return summary_df
# ------------------------------------------------------------ # private-ish summary helpers for scraping summary info from fits # ------------------------------------------------------------ def _check_summary_df(summary_df, fg_obj): # check the fg_obj.time has propagated to the summary and the # rest of the index is OK. fg_obj can be fitgrid.Epochs, # LMGrid or LMERGrid, they all have a time attribute assert any( [ isinstance(fg_obj, fgtype) for fgtype in [ fitgrid.epochs.Epochs, fitgrid.fitgrid.LMFitGrid, fitgrid.fitgrid.LMERFitGrid, ] ] ) if not ( summary_df.index.names == [fg_obj.time] + INDEX_NAMES[1:] and all(summary_df.index.levels[-1] == KEY_LABELS) ): raise ValueError( "uh oh ... fitgrid summary dataframe bug, please post an issue" ) def _update_INDEX_NAMES(lxgrid, index_names): """use the grid time column name for the summary index""" assert index_names[0] == '_TIME' _index_names = copy.copy(index_names) _index_names[0] = lxgrid.time return _index_names def _lm_get_summaries_df(fg_ols, ci_alpha=0.05): """scrape fitgrid.LMFitgrid OLS info into a tidy dataframe Parameters ---------- fg_ols : fitgrid.LMFitGrid ci_alpha : float {.05} alpha for confidence interval Returns ------- summaries_df : pd.DataFrame index.names = [`_TIME`, `model`, `beta`, `key`] where `_TIME` is the `fg_ols.time` and columns are the `fg_ols` columns Notes ----- The `summaries_df` row and column indexes are munged to match fitgrid.lmer._get_summaries_df() """ # set time column from the grid, always index.names[0] _index_names = _update_INDEX_NAMES(fg_ols, INDEX_NAMES) _time = _index_names[0] # grab and tidy the formula RHS rhs = fg_ols.tester.model.formula.split('~')[1].strip() rhs = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", rhs) # fitgrid returns them in the last column of the index param_names = fg_ols.params.index.get_level_values(-1).unique() # fetch a master copy of the model info model_vals = [] model_key_attrs = [ ("DF", "df_resid"), ("AIC", "aic"), ("logLike", 'llf'), ("SSresid", 'ssr'), ("sigma2", 'mse_resid'), ] for (key, attr) in model_key_attrs: vals = None vals = getattr(fg_ols, attr).copy() if vals is None: raise AttributeError(f"model: {rhs} attribute: {attr}") vals['key'] = key model_vals.append(vals) # statsmodels result wrappers have different versions of llf! aics = (-2 * fg_ols.llf) + 2 * (fg_ols.df_model + fg_ols.k_constant) if not np.allclose(fg_ols.aic, aics): msg = ( "uh oh ...statsmodels OLS aic and llf calculations have changed." " please report an issue to fitgrid" ) raise ValueError(msg) # build model has_warnings with False for ols warnings = pd.DataFrame( np.zeros(model_vals[0].shape).astype('bool'), columns=model_vals[0].columns, index=model_vals[0].index, ) warnings['key'] = 'has_warning' model_vals.append(warnings) model_vals = pd.concat(model_vals) # constants across the model model_vals['model'] = rhs # replicate the model info for each beta # ... horribly redundant but mighty handy when slicing later pmvs = [] for p in param_names: pmv = model_vals.copy() # pmv['param'] = p pmv['beta'] = p pmvs.append(pmv) pmvs = ( pd.concat(pmvs).reset_index().set_index(_index_names) ) # INDEX_NAMES) # lookup the param_name specifc info for this bundle summaries = [] # select model point estimates mapped like so (key, OLS_attribute) sv_attrs = [ ('Estimate', 'params'), # coefficient value ('SE', 'bse'), ('P-val', 'pvalues'), ('T-stat', 'tvalues'), ] for idx, (key, attr) in enumerate(sv_attrs): attr_vals = getattr(fg_ols, attr).copy() # ! don't mod the _grid if attr_vals is None: raise AttributeError(f"not found: {attr}") attr_vals.index.set_names('beta', level=-1, inplace=True) attr_vals['model'] = rhs attr_vals['key'] = key # update list of beta bundles summaries.append( attr_vals.reset_index().set_index(_index_names) ) # INDEX_NAMES)) # special handling for confidence interval ci_bounds = [ f"{bound:.1f}_ci" for bound in [100 * (1 + (b * (1 - ci_alpha))) / 2.0 for b in [-1, 1]] ] cis = fg_ols.conf_int(alpha=ci_alpha) cis.index = cis.index.rename([_time, 'beta', 'key']) cis.index = cis.index.set_levels(ci_bounds, 'key') cis['model'] = rhs summaries.append(cis.reset_index().set_index(_index_names)) summaries_df = pd.concat(summaries) # add the parmeter model info summaries_df = pd.concat([summaries_df, pmvs]).sort_index().astype(float) _check_summary_df(summaries_df, fg_ols) return summaries_df def _lmer_get_summaries_df(fg_lmer): """scrape a single model fitgrid.LMERFitGrid into a standard summary format Note: some values are fitgrid attributes (via pymer), others are derived Parameters ---------- fg_lmer : fitgrid.LMERFitGrid """ def scrape_sigma2(fg_lmer): # sigma2 is extracted from fg_lmer.ranef_var ... # residuals should be in the last row of ranef_var at each Time ranef_var = fg_lmer.ranef_var # set the None index names assert ranef_var.index.names == [fg_lmer.time, None, None] ranef_var.index.set_names([fg_lmer.time, 'key', 'value'], inplace=True) assert 'Residual' == ranef_var.index.get_level_values(1).unique()[-1] assert all( ['Name', 'Var', 'Std'] == ranef_var.index.get_level_values(2).unique() ) # slice out the Residual Variance at each time point # and drop all but the Time indexes to make Time x Chan sigma2 = ranef_var.query( 'key=="Residual" and value=="Var"' ).reset_index(['key', 'value'], drop=True) return sigma2 # set time column from the grid, always index.names[0] _index_names = _update_INDEX_NAMES(fg_lmer, INDEX_NAMES) _time = _index_names[0] # look these up directly pymer_attribs = ['AIC', 'has_warning', 'logLike'] # x=lmer_fg caclulate or extract from other attributes derived_attribs = { # since pymer4 0.7.1 the Lmer model.resid are renamed # model.residuals and come back as a well-behaved # dataframe of floats rather than rpy2 objects "SSresid": lambda lmer: lmer.residuals.apply(lambda x: x ** 2) .groupby([fg_lmer.time]) .sum(), 'sigma2': lambda x: scrape_sigma2(x), } # grab and tidy the formulat RHS from the first grid cell rhs = fg_lmer.tester.formula.split('~')[1].strip() rhs = re.sub(r"\s+", "", rhs) # coef estimates and stats ... these are 2-D summaries_df = fg_lmer.coefs.copy() # don't mod the original summaries_df.index.names = [_time, 'beta', 'key'] summaries_df = summaries_df.query("key != 'Sig'") # drop the stars summaries_df.index = summaries_df.index.remove_unused_levels() summaries_df.insert(0, 'model', rhs) summaries_df.set_index('model', append=True, inplace=True) summaries_df.reset_index(['key', 'beta'], inplace=True) # scrape AIC and other useful 1-D fit attributes into summaries_df for attrib in pymer_attribs + list(derived_attribs.keys()): # # lookup or calculate model measures if attrib in pymer_attribs: attrib_df = getattr(fg_lmer, attrib).copy() else: attrib_df = derived_attribs[attrib](fg_lmer) attrib_df.insert(0, 'model', rhs) attrib_df.insert(1, 'key', attrib) # propagate attributes to each beta ... wasteful but tidy # when grouping by beta for beta in summaries_df['beta'].unique(): beta_attrib = attrib_df.copy().set_index('model', append=True) beta_attrib.insert(0, 'beta', beta) summaries_df = summaries_df.append(beta_attrib) summaries_df = ( summaries_df.reset_index() .set_index(_index_names) # INDEX_NAMES) .sort_index() .astype(float) ) _check_summary_df(summaries_df, fg_lmer) return summaries_df def _get_AICs(summary_df): """collect AICs, AIC_min deltas, and lmer warnings from summary_df Parameters ---------- summary_df : multi-indexed pandas.DataFrame as returned by `fitgrid.summary.summarize()` Returns ------- aics : multi-indexed pandas pd.DataFrame """ # AIC and lmer warnings are 1 per model, pull from the first # model coefficient only, e.g., (Intercept) aic_cols = ["AIC", "has_warning"] aics = [] # for model, model_data in summary_df.groupby('model'): # groupby processes models in alphabetical sort order for model in summary_df.index.unique('model'): model_data = summary_df.query("model==@model") first_param = model_data.index.get_level_values('beta').unique()[0] aic = pd.DataFrame( summary_df.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, model, first_param, aic_cols], :] .stack(-1) .unstack("key") .reset_index(["beta"], drop=True), columns=aic_cols, ) aic.index.names = aic.index.names[:-1] + ["channel"] aics += [aic] AICs = pd.concat(aics) assert set(summary_df.index.unique('model')) == set( AICs.index.unique('model') ) # sort except model, channel AICs.sort_index( axis=0, level=[l for l in AICs.index.names if not l in ['model', 'channel']], sort_remaining=False, inplace=True, ) # calculate AIC_min for the fitted models at each time, channel AICs['min_delta'] = np.inf # init to float # time label is the first index level, may not be fitgrid.defaults.TIME assert AICs.index.names == summary_df.index.names[:2] + ["channel"] for time in AICs.index.get_level_values(0).unique(): for chan in AICs.index.get_level_values('channel').unique(): slicer = pd.IndexSlice[time, :, chan] AICs.loc[slicer, 'min_delta'] = AICs.loc[slicer, 'AIC'] - min( AICs.loc[slicer, 'AIC'] ) FutureWarning('fitgrid AICs are in early days, subject to change') assert set(summary_df.index.unique('model')) == set( AICs.index.unique('model') ) return AICs
[docs]def plot_betas( summary_df, LHS, alpha=0.05, fdr=None, figsize=None, s=None, df_func=None, **kwargs, ): """Plot model parameter estimates for each data column in LHS Parameters ---------- summary_df : pd.DataFrame as returned by fitgrid.utils.summary.summarize LHS : list of str column names of the data fitgrid.fitgrid docs alpha : float alpha level for false discovery rate correction fdr : str {None, 'BY', 'BH'} Add markers for FDR adjusted significant :math:`p`-values. BY is Benjamini and Yekatuli, BH is Benjamini and Hochberg, None supresses the markers. df_func : {None, function} plot `function(degrees of freedom)`, e.g., `np.log10`, `lambda x: x` s : float scatterplot marker size for BH and lmer decorations kwargs : dict keyword args passed to pyplot.subplots() Returns ------- figs : list """ def _do_fdr(_fg_beta): # FDR helper m = len(_fg_beta) pvals = _fg_beta['P-val'].copy().sort_values() ks = list() if fdr == 'BH': # Benjamini & Hochberg ... restricted c_m = 1 if fdr == 'BY': # Benjamini & Yekatuli general case c_m = np.sum([1 / i for i in range(1, m + 1)]) for k, p in enumerate(pvals): kmcm = k / (m * c_m) if p <= kmcm * alpha: ks.append(k) if len(ks) > 0: crit_p = pvals.iloc[max(ks)] else: crit_p = 0.0 _fg_beta['sig_fdr'] = _fg_beta['P-val'] < crit_p # slice out sig ps for plotting sig_ps = _fg_beta.loc[_fg_beta['sig_fdr'], :] return sig_ps, crit_p # -------------------- figs = list() _time = summary_df.index.names[0] if isinstance(LHS, str): LHS = [LHS] assert all([isinstance(col, str) for col in LHS]) if fdr not in ['BH', 'BY', None]: raise ValueError(f"fdr must be 'BH', 'BY' or None") # defaults if figsize is None: figsize = (8, 3) betas = summary_df.index.get_level_values('beta').unique() for col in LHS: # for idx, beta in enumerate(betas): for beta in betas: # f, ax_beta = plt.subplots(len(betas), ncol=1, **kwargs) f, ax_beta = plt.subplots( nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=figsize, **kwargs ) # if len(betas) == 1: # ax_beta = [ax_beta] # unstack this beta, column for plotting fg_beta = ( summary_df.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, :, beta], col] .unstack(level='key') .reset_index(_time) # time label for this summary_df ) # lmer SEs fg_beta['mn+SE'] = (fg_beta['Estimate'] + fg_beta['SE']).astype( float ) fg_beta['mn-SE'] = (fg_beta['Estimate'] - fg_beta['SE']).astype( float ) fg_beta.plot( x=_time, y='Estimate', # ax=ax_beta[idx], ax=ax_beta, color='black', alpha=0.5, label=beta, ) # ax_beta[idx].fill_between( ax_beta.fill_between( x=fg_beta[_time], y1=fg_beta['mn+SE'], y2=fg_beta['mn-SE'], alpha=0.2, color='black', ) # plot transformed df if df_func is not None: fg_beta['DF_'] = fg_beta['DF'].apply(lambda x: df_func(x)) fg_beta.plot( x=_time, y='DF_', ax=ax_beta, label=f"{df_func}(df)" ) if s is not None: my_kwargs = {'s': s} else: my_kwargs = {} # mark FDR sig ps if fdr is not None: # optionally fetch FDR adjusted sig ps sig_ps, crit_p = _do_fdr(fg_beta) ax_beta.scatter( sig_ps[_time], sig_ps['Estimate'], color='black', zorder=3, label=f'{fdr} FDR p < crit {crit_p:0.2}', **my_kwargs, ) try: # color warnings last to mask sig ps warn_ma =['has_warning'] > 0)[0] # ax_beta[idx].scatter( ax_beta.scatter( fg_beta[_time].iloc[warn_ma], fg_beta['Estimate'].iloc[warn_ma], color='red', zorder=4, label='model warnings', **my_kwargs, ) except Exception: pass # ax_beta[idx].axhline(y=0, linestyle='--', color='black') # ax_beta[idx].legend() ax_beta.axhline(y=0, linestyle='--', color='black') ax_beta.legend(loc=(1.0, 0.0)) # title # rhs = fg_lmer.formula[col].unique()[0] formula = fg_beta.index.get_level_values('model').unique()[0] assert isinstance(formula, str) # ax_beta[idx].set_title(f'{col} {beta}: {formula}') ax_beta.set_title(f'{col} {beta}: {formula}', loc='left') figs.append(f) return figs
[docs]def plot_AICmin_deltas(summary_df, figsize=None, gridspec_kw=None, **kwargs): r"""plot FitGrid min delta AICs and fitter warnings Thresholds of AIC_min delta at 2, 4, 7, 10 are from Burnham & Anderson 2004, see Notes. Parameters ---------- summary_df : pd.DataFrame as returned by fitgrid.utils.summary.summarize figsize : 2-ple pyplot.figure figure size parameter gridspec_kw : dict matplotlib.gridspec key : value parameters kwargs : dict keyword args passed to plt.subplots(...) Returns ------- f, axs : matplotlib.pyplot.Figure Notes ----- [BurAnd2004]_ p. 270-271. Where :math:`AIC_{min}` is the lowest AIC value for "a set of a priori candidate models well-supported by the underlying science :math:`g_{i}, i = 1, 2, ..., R)`", .. math:: \Delta_{i} = AIC_{i} - AIC_{min} "is the information loss experienced if we are using fitted model :math:`g_{i}` rather than the best model, :math:`g_{min}` for inference." ... "Some simple rules of thumb are often useful in assessing the relative merits of models in the set: Models having :math:`\Delta_{i} <= 2` have substantial support (evidence), those in which :math:`\Delta_{i} 4 <= 7` have considerably less support, and models having :math:`\Delta_{i} > 10` have essentially no support." """ _time = summary_df.index.names[0] # may differ from fitgrid.defaults.Time aics = _get_AICs(summary_df) # long format models = aics.index.unique('model') channels = aics.index.unique('channel') nrows = len(models) if figsize is None: figsize = (12, 8) # set reasonable gridspec defaults if the user does not gs_defaults = {'width_ratios': [0.46, 0.46, 0.015]} if gridspec_kw is None: gridspec_kw = gs_defaults else: for key, val in gs_defaults.items(): if key not in gridspec_kw.keys(): gridspec_kw[key] = val f, axs = plt.subplots( # nrows, 2, **kwargs, figsize=figsize, gridspec_kw=gridspec_kw nrows, 3, **kwargs, figsize=figsize, gridspec_kw=gridspec_kw, ) for i, m in enumerate(models): # debugging # print(f"i: {i} m: {m}") # channel traces if len(models) == 1: traces = axs[0] heatmap = axs[1] colorbar = axs[2] else: traces = axs[i, 0] heatmap = axs[i, 1] colorbar = axs[i, 2] traces.set_title(f'aic min delta: {m}', loc='left') for c in channels: min_deltas = aics.loc[ pd.IndexSlice[:, m, c], ['min_delta', 'has_warning'] ].reset_index(_time) traces.plot(min_deltas[_time], min_deltas['min_delta'], label=c) warn_ma =['has_warning'] > 0) traces.scatter( min_deltas[_time].iloc[warn_ma], min_deltas['min_delta'].iloc[warn_ma], color='red', label=None, ) if i == 0: # first channel legend left of the main plot traces.legend(loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(-0.2, 1.0)) aic_min_delta_bounds = [0, 2, 4, 7, 10] # for y in aic_min_delta_bounds: for y in aic_min_delta_bounds[1:]: traces.axhline(y=y, color='black', linestyle='dotted') # for heat map _min_deltas = ( aics.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, m, :], 'min_delta'] .reset_index('model', drop=True) .unstack('channel') .astype(float) ) # unstack() alphanum sorts the channel index ... ugh _min_deltas = _min_deltas.reindex(columns=channels) _has_warnings = ( aics.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, m, :], 'has_warning'] .reset_index('model', drop=True) .unstack('channel') .astype(bool) ) _has_warnings = _has_warnings.reindex(columns=channels) # colorbrewer 2.0 Blues color blind safe n=5 # pal = ['#eff3ff', '#bdd7e7', '#6baed6', '#3182bd', '#08519c'] cmap = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(pal) # cmap.set_over(color='#fcae91') cmap.set_over(color='#08306b') # darkest from Blues n=7 cmap.set_under(color='lightgray') bounds = aic_min_delta_bounds norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N) im = heatmap.pcolormesh( _min_deltas.index, # np.arange(len(_min_deltas.columns) + 1), np.arange(len(_min_deltas.columns)), _min_deltas.T, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, shading='nearest', ) # fitter warnings mask pal_ma = ['k'] bounds_ma = [0.5] cmap_ma = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(pal_ma) cmap_ma.set_over(color='crimson') cmap_ma.set_under(alpha=0.0) # don't show goods norm_ma = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds_ma, cmap_ma.N) heatmap.pcolormesh( _has_warnings.index, np.arange(len(_has_warnings.columns)), _has_warnings.T, cmap=cmap_ma, norm=norm_ma, shading='nearest', ) yloc = mpl.ticker.FixedLocator(np.arange(len(_min_deltas.columns))) heatmap.yaxis.set_major_locator(yloc) heatmap.set_yticklabels(_min_deltas.columns) colorbar = mpl.colorbar.Colorbar(colorbar, im, extend='max') return f, axs