. _about_fitgrid:

About fitgrid

EEG and signal-averaged ERPs

In the late 1920’s Berger demonstrated that some of the human brain activity related to external stimulation and internal mental events could be measured at the surface of the scalp as tiny time-varying electrical potential waveforms on the order of tens of microvolts peak-to-peak, the human electroencephalogram (EEG) [Berger1930]. In the early 1950s Dawson presented a demonstration that even tinier brain responses to external stimulation that were too small to be seen by the naked eye in the EEG could, however, be observed by repeating the stimulation multiple times, aligning fixed-length segments (“epochs”) of the EEG recordings to the onset of the stimulus and summing the recordings together at each time-point ([Dawson1951], [Dawson1954]). The idea of aggregating several noisy measurements so the pluses and minuses of random variation cancel to yield a better estimate the “true” value of the sum or mean was already well-known. The conceptual breakthrough for EEG data analysis that Dawson credited to Hunt was to sweep the familiar noise-reduction trick along the time-aligned EEG epochs to supress larger variation in the EEG (noise) and reveal the time course of the much smaller brain response (signal) to the stimulation, a waveform on the order of microvolts peak-to-peak. Laboratory experiments in subsequent decades found that the Hunt-Dawson aggregation procedure could reveal a variety systematic brain responses before, during, and after sensory stimulation, motor responses, and internal mental events. With the advance of computer hardware and software, oscilloscopic sweep averagers were replaced by analog-to-digital conversion and sum-and-divide averaging in software on general purpose computers. Since the 1970s, this discrete time series average event-related brain potential (ERP) has been a cornerstone of experimental EEG research on human sensation, perception, and cognition. For a compendium see the Oxford Handbook of Event-related Potentials, [LucKap2011].

regression ERPs

In 2015 Smith and Kutas published a seminal paper ([SmiKut2015]) noting that the average of a set of values, \(y\), is identical to the estimated constant, \(\hat{\beta}_{0}\) for the linear model

\[y = \beta_{0} + e\]

fit by minimizing squared error (ordinary least squares). They pointed out that this makes the average ERP a special case of sweeping a linear regression model along the EEG at time, t, and generalized this to more complex multiple regression models,

\[y(t) = \beta_{0}(t) + \beta_{1}X_{1}(t) \ldots \beta_{n}X_{i}(t) + e(t)\]

Sweeping any such model along the EEG time point by time point likewise produces time series of estimates for the intercept and regressor coefficients, the \(\hat{\beta}_{i}\) they dubbed the “regression ERP” (rERP) waveforms. More generally it produces a time series for each of the the model estimates and derived quantities, such as coefficient standard errors, residuals, \(R^2\), likelihood, Akiake’s information criterion, and so forth.

This insight extends sum-and-divide Hunt-Dawson aggregation and embeds event-related EEG data analysis in a general framework for discovering, evaluating, and comparing a wide range of models to account for systematic variation in the time course of EEG responses using well-established methods of applied regression. With this shift, however, comes a new problem.

Modeling: fit, diagnose, compare, evaluate, revise, repeat

These days specifying and fitting a linear regression model is a matter of organizing the data into a table of rows (observations) and columns (variables), typing a model specification formula like \(\mathsf{1 + a + b + a:b}\) and pressing Enter. While fitting a model is relatively easy and mechanical, modeling, by contrast, is a laborious process that iterates cycles of data quality control, fitting, data diagnosis, model evaluation, comparison, and selection with numerous decision points that require thought and judgment along the way.

Modeling EEG data as regression ERPs at each time point and data channel multiplies the iterative cycles in a combinatorial explosion of time points \(\times\) channels \(\times\) models \(\times\) comparisons. For example, at a digital sampling rate of 250 samples per second, there are 750 time points in 3 seconds of EEG data. For 32 EEG channels, this makes 750 timepoints x 32 channels = 24,000 data sets. To fit three candidate models requires 72,000 separate model fits where the size of the data set might range anywhere from a few dozens of observations for a single subject to tens of thousands of observations for a large scale experiment.

Nothing can prevent the combinatorial explosion; fitgrid is designed to contain it.

fitgrid: Modeling \(\times\) 10e4

The fitgrid package allows researchers generally familiar with regression modeling and model specification formulas in Python (statsmodels.formula.api via patsy) or R (lm, lme4, lmerTest) to use these tools to readily and reproducibly fit ordinary least squares and linear mixed-effects regression models of multichannel event-related time series recordings, at scale, with a few lines of scripted Python.

With one function call, fitgrid sweeps a model formula across the data observations at each time and channel (in parallel on multiple CPU cores if supported by hardware) and collects the resulting fit objects returned by statsmodels.ols or lme4::lmer via pymer4 in a single FitGrid[times, channels] Python object.

The FitGrid can be sliced by time and channel like a dataframe, and the results for a fit attribute are queried for the entire grid with the same syntax as single fit: results = FitGrid.<attr>. The results include the time-series of coefficient estimates comprising the regression ERPs, including, but not restricted to, the special case average ERP. Equally important for modeling, the results also include everything else in the bundle of information comprising the fit object such as coefficient standard errors, model log likelihood, Akiake’s information criterion, model and error mean squares, and so forth. The results are returned as tidy Time x Channel dataframes for handy visualization and analysis in Python and data interchange across scientific computing platforms as illustrated in Workflow Outline and the Examples Gallery.

fitgrid Design: How it works

Ordinary least squares models are fit in Python using the statsmodels statstics package and the patsy formula language. Linear mixed effects models are shipped out of Python and into R via Eshin Jolly’s

pymer4 interface [Jolly2018] and fit with lme4::lmer (see [BatesEtAl2015]).

For illustration with patsy and statsmodels, suppose you have a pandas DataFrame data with independent variables x and a, where x is continuous and a is categorical. Suppose also channel is your continuous dependent variable. Here’s how you would run an ordinary least squares linear regression of y on x + a using statsmodels:

from statsmodels.formula.api import ols

fit = ols('channel ~ x + a', data).fit()

Now this fit object contains all the fit and diagnostic information, mirroring what is provided by lm in R. This information can be retrieved by accessing various attributes of fit. For example, the betas:

betas = fit.params

or the t-values:

tvalues = fit.tvalues

or \(Pr(>|t|)\):

pvalues = fit.pvalues

Compare to R, where this is usually done by calling functions like summary or coef.

Now the issue with using that interface for single trial rERP analyses is of course the dimensionality: instead of fitting a single model, we need to fit \(m \times n\) models, where \(m\) is the number of discrete time points and \(n\) is the number of channels.

This can be handled using for loops of the form:

for channel in channels:
    for timepoint in timepoints:
        # run regression 'channel ~ x + a', save fit object somewhere

And to access some particular kind of fit information, the exact same two nested for loops are required:

for channel in channels:
    for timepoint in timepoints:
        # extract diagnostic or fit measure, save it somewhere

fitgrid abstracts this complexity away and handles the iteration and storage of the data behind the scenes. The first loop above is now replaced with:

lm_grid = fitgrid.lm(epochs, RHS='x + a')

and the second loop with:

betas = lm_grid.params


tvalues = lm_grid.tvalues


pvalues = lm_grid.pvalues

The crux of the approach conceived and implemented by Andrey Portnoy is that lm_grid, a FitGrid object, can be queried for the exact same attributes as a regular statsmodels fit object as above.

The result is most often a pandas DataFrame, sometimes another FitGrid. In other words, if you are running linear regression, any attribute of a fit object documented by statsmodels as part of their API, can be used to query a FitGrid.





Some of the attributes are methods. For example, influence diagnostics in statsmodels are stored in a separate object that is created by calling the get_influence method. So Cook’s distance measures can be retrieved as follows:

influence = fit.get_influence()
cooks_d = influence.cooks_distance

The exact same approach works in fitgrid:

influence = lm_grid.get_influence()
cooks_d = influence.cooks_distance

fitgrid in other domains

Although the origins of fitgrid are in EEG data analysis, fitgrid can also be used with sensor array time-series data from other domains where event-related signal averaging and and regression modeling is appropriate. The Examples Gallery includes hourly NOAA tide and atmospheric data to illustrate event-related time-domain aggregation to detect lunar atmospheric tides, an approach first attempted by Laplace in the early 19th century [LinCha1969].