Source code for fitgrid.utils.lmer

import functools
import pandas as pd
import fitgrid

[docs]def get_lmer_dfbetas(epochs, factor, **kwargs): r"""Fit lmers leaving out factor levels one by one, compute DBETAS. Parameters ---------- epochs : Epochs Epochs object factor : str column name of the factor of interest **kwargs keyword arguments to pass on to ``fitgrid.lmer``, like ``RHS`` Returns ------- dfbetas : pandas.DataFrame dataframe containing DFBETAS values Examples -------- Example calculation showing how to pass in model fitting parameters:: dfbetas = fitgrid.utils.lmer.get_lmer_dfbetas( epochs=epochs, factor='subject_id', RHS='x + (x|a) ) Notes ----- DFBETAS is computed according to the following formula [NieGroPel2012]_: .. math:: DFBETAS_{ij} = \frac{\hat{\gamma}_i - \hat{\gamma}_{i(-j)}}{se\left(\hat{\gamma}_{i(-j)}\right)} for parameter :math:`i` and level :math:`j` of ``factor``. """ # get the factor levels table = epochs.table.reset_index().set_index( [epochs.epoch_id, epochs.time] ) levels = table[factor].unique() # produce epochs tables with each level left out looo_epochs = ( fitgrid.epochs_from_dataframe( table[table[factor] != level], time=epochs.time, epoch_id=epochs.epoch_id, channels=epochs.channels, ) for level in levels ) # fit lmer on these epochs fitter = functools.partial(fitgrid.lmer, **kwargs) grids = map(fitter, looo_epochs) coefs = (grid.coefs for grid in grids) # get coefficient estimates and se from leave one out fits looo_coefs = pd.concat(coefs, keys=levels, axis=1) looo_estimates = looo_coefs.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, :, 'Estimate'], :] looo_se = looo_coefs.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, :, 'SE'], :] # get coefficient estimates from regular fit (all levels included) all_levels_coefs = fitgrid.lmer(epochs, **kwargs).coefs all_levels_estimates = all_levels_coefs.loc[ pd.IndexSlice[:, :, 'Estimate'], : ] # drop outer level of index for convenience for df in (looo_estimates, looo_se, all_levels_estimates): df.index = df.index.droplevel(level=-1) # (all_levels_estimate - level_excluded_estimate) / level_excluded_se dfbetas = all_levels_estimates.sub(looo_estimates, level=1).div( looo_se, level=1 ) return dfbetas.stack(level=0)