Source code for fitgrid.utils.lmer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""User functions to streamline working with selected pymer4 LMER fit 
attributes from lme4::lmer and lmerTest for ``fitgrid.lmer`` grids.

import functools
import re
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import fitgrid
from fitgrid.fitgrid import LMERFitGrid

[docs]def get_lmer_dfbetas(epochs, factor, **kwargs): r"""Fit lmers leaving out factor levels one by one, compute DBETAS. Parameters ---------- epochs : Epochs Epochs object factor : str column name of the factor of interest **kwargs keyword arguments to pass on to ``fitgrid.lmer``, like ``RHS`` Returns ------- dfbetas : pandas.DataFrame dataframe containing DFBETAS values Examples -------- Example calculation showing how to pass in model fitting parameters:: dfbetas = fitgrid.utils.lmer.get_lmer_dfbetas( epochs=epochs, factor='subject_id', RHS='x + (x|a) ) Notes ----- DFBETAS is computed according to the following formula [NieGroPel2012]_: .. math:: DFBETAS_{ij} = \frac{\hat{\gamma}_i - \hat{\gamma}_{i(-j)}}{se\left(\hat{\gamma}_{i(-j)}\right)} for parameter :math:`i` and level :math:`j` of ``factor``. """ # get the factor levels table = epochs.table.reset_index().set_index( [epochs.epoch_id, epochs.time] ) levels = table[factor].unique() # produce epochs tables with each level left out looo_epochs = ( fitgrid.epochs_from_dataframe( table[table[factor] != level], time=epochs.time, epoch_id=epochs.epoch_id, channels=epochs.channels, ) for level in levels ) # fit lmer on these epochs fitter = functools.partial(fitgrid.lmer, **kwargs) grids = map(fitter, looo_epochs) coefs = (grid.coefs for grid in grids) # get coefficient estimates and se from leave one out fits looo_coefs = pd.concat(coefs, keys=levels, axis=1) looo_estimates = looo_coefs.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, :, 'Estimate'], :] looo_se = looo_coefs.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, :, 'SE'], :] # get coefficient estimates from regular fit (all levels included) all_levels_coefs = fitgrid.lmer(epochs, **kwargs).coefs all_levels_estimates = all_levels_coefs.loc[ pd.IndexSlice[:, :, 'Estimate'], : ] # drop outer level of index for convenience for df in (looo_estimates, looo_se, all_levels_estimates): df.index = df.index.droplevel(level=-1) # (all_levels_estimate - level_excluded_estimate) / level_excluded_se dfbetas = all_levels_estimates.sub(looo_estimates, level=1).div( looo_se, level=1 ) return dfbetas.stack(level=0)
[docs]def get_lmer_warnings(lmer_grid): """grid the LMERFitGrid lme4::lmer4 warnings by type lmer warnings are a mishmash of characters, punctuation, and digits, some with numerical values specific to the message, for instance, | Model failed to converge with max|grad| = 0.00222262 (tol = 0.002, component 1) | unable to evaluate scaled gradient | boundary (singular) fit: see ?isSingular | np.nan The warning strings are returned as-is except for stripping leading and trailing whitespace and the "= N.NNNNNNNN" portion of the max \|grad\| convergence failure. Parameters ---------- lmer_grid : fitgrid.LMERFitGrid as returned by ``fitgrid.lmer()``, shape = time x channel Returns ------- warning_grids : dict A dictionary, the keys are lmer warning strings, each value is a `pandas.DataFrame` indicator grid where grid.loc[time, channel] == 1 if the lmer warning == key, otherwise 0. """ if not isinstance(lmer_grid, LMERFitGrid): msg = ( "get_lmer_warnings() must be called on an " f"LMERFitGrid not {type(lmer_grid)}" ) raise ValueError(msg) # In pymer4 0.7.1+ and lme4::lmer 0.22+ warnings come back from # lme4::lmer via pymer4 as list of strings and each LMERFitgrid # cell may have a list of 0, 1, 2, ... ? warnings. This means # LMERFitGrid.warnings time index may have missing time stamps (= no # warnings), a single time stamp (one warning), or duplicate time # stamps (> 1 warning) and np.nan at channels where there is no # warning at that timestamp. # strip reported decimal values so max|grad| convergence failures are one kind tidy_strings = lmer_grid.warnings.applymap( lambda x: re.sub( r"max\|grad\|\s+=\s+\d+\.\d+\s+", "max|grad| ", x ).strip() if isinstance(x, str) else x # no warning == np.nan ).rename_axis([lmer_grid.time, "wdx", "_empty"], axis=0) # the number and types of warning generally vary by time and/or channel warning_kinds = ( pd.Series(tidy_strings.to_numpy().flatten()).dropna().unique() ) # collect messy gappy, multiple warnings as a dict of key==warning, # value==tidy time x channel indicator grid (0, 1) warning_grids = {} assert lmer_grid._grid.shape == lmer_grid.has_warning.shape for warning_kind in warning_kinds: # empty grid w/ correct shape, row index and columns warning_grid = pd.DataFrame( np.zeros(lmer_grid._grid.shape, dtype=int), index=lmer_grid._grid.index.copy(), columns=lmer_grid._grid.columns.copy(), ) # select rows w/ at least one non-na warning_rows = tidy_strings[tidy_strings == warning_kind].dropna( axis=0, how="all" ) assert warning_rows.index.names[0] == assert all( warning_rows.index.get_level_values(0) == warning_rows.index.get_level_values(0).unique() ) for rdx, row in warning_rows.iterrows(): warning_grid.loc[rdx[0], :] = (row == warning_kind).astype(int) assert all(warning_grid.index == lmer_grid._grid.index) assert all(warning_grid.columns == lmer_grid._grid.columns) warning_grids[warning_kind] = warning_grid return warning_grids
[docs]def plot_lmer_warnings(lmer_grid, which="each", verbose=True): """Raster plot lme4::lmer warning grids Parameters ---------- lmer_grid : fitgrid.LMERFitGrid as returned by ``fitgrid.lmer()``, shape = time x channel which : {"each", "all", or list of str} select the types of warnings to plot. `each` (default) plots each type of warning separately. `all` plots one grid showing where any type of warning occurred. A list of strings searches the lmer warnings and plots those that match. verbose : bool, default=True If `True` warn of failed matches for warnings keywords. Examples -------- default, plot each warning grid separately >>> plot_lmer_warnings(lmer_grid) one plot shows everywhere there is a warning >>> plot_lmer_warnings(lmer_grid, which="all") plot just warnings that match these strings >>> plot_lmer_warnings(lmer_grid, which=["converge", "singular"]) """ def _plot_warnings(warning, warning_grid): # masked array non-values are transparent in pcolormesh _, axi = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, len(warning_grid.columns) / 2)) axi.set_title(warning) ylabels = warning_grid.columns axi.yaxis.set_major_locator( mpl.ticker.FixedLocator(np.arange(len(ylabels))) ) axi.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.FixedFormatter(ylabels)) axi.pcolormesh( warning_grid.index, np.arange(len(ylabels)),, 1), shading="nearest", cmap=mpl.colors.ListedColormap(['red']), ) # validate kwarg if not ( isinstance(which, str) or ( isinstance(which, list) and all((isinstance(wrn, str) for wrn in which)) ) ): raise ValueError( "The value for which=value must be 'any', 'each', a warning " f"string pattern to match or list of them, not this: {which}" ) warning_grids = get_lmer_warnings(lmer_grid) warning_grids["all"] = lmer_grid.has_warning.astype(int) keys = None if which == "all": keys = ["all"] elif which == "each": keys = list(warning_grids.keys()) else: # lookup matching patterns var so as to not step on original kwarg patterns = [which] if isinstance(which, str) else which keys = [] for pattern in patterns: matches = [key for key in warning_grids if pattern in key] keys += matches # may be [] if verbose and not matches: warnings.warn(f"warning pattern '{pattern}' not found") assert isinstance(keys, list), f"this should be type list: {type(keys)}" for key in keys: if verbose: print(f"{key}") _plot_warnings(key, warning_grids[key]) if verbose and not keys: warnings.warn(f"no model warnings match {which}")