
Field reports and ideas large and small for how to improve fitgrid are welcome. Please post what you have in mind on GitHub in fitgrid Issues in accord with the Code of Conduct to start a discussion of next steps and plan the approach. If you think you have encountered a bug, please follow the bug report guidlines when


The fitgrid code is written in Python, and requires many open-source scientific computing packages including numpy, pandas, matplotlib, and statsmodels. The linear mixed-effects modeling further requires the pymer4 and rpy2 Python packages as well as the R language, and many R packages including lme4, and lmerTest. Version control is managed with git and the primary source repository is hosted on GitHub in

The stable and pre-release fitgrid packages are available on for easy installation into conda virtual environments with conda or mamba. The Python package installer pip is not supported because of the R dependencies.

The documentation is generated with sphinx and sphinx-gallery.


fitgrid is semantically versioned following a simplified Python PEP 440 scheme.

  • Syntax. Legal fitgrid version strings have three required numeric segments, M.N.P for major, minor, patch versions and an optional .devX suffix with numeric X. As usual, the numeric values increment monotonically except that subordinate segments reset to 0 when a superordinate segment increments. Version strings match the regular expression, \d+\.\d+\.\d+(\.dev\d+){0,1}.

  • Semantics. M.N.P designates a stable version and M.N.P.devX designates a development version.


In this scheme, the stable package version M.N.P sorts higher than the development version M.N.P.devX, for example, 0.5.1 > 0.5.1.dev1 > 0.5.1.dev0 > 0.5.0

GitHub reserved branches and version strings:
  • The main and dev branches are reserved for deploying package releases, only maintainers make pull requests to these branches.

  • The branch main = the latest stable release, version M.N.P with tag vM.N.P

  • The branch dev = the latest development version M.N.P.devX.

  • Names and version strings for working branches other than main and dev are not strictly defined in this scheme. However, the natural version sequence increments the devX segment to M.N.P.devX+1 following the pre-release package upload of M.N.P.devX and increments the patch and resets the devX segment to M.N.P+1.dev0 following the stable release of vM.N.P.

Stable releases: vM.N.P

Stable versions are tagged vM.N.P and released manually on GitHub (fitgrid Releases). The stable version vM.N.P source code is frozen and subsequent modifications require the version to increment at least the patch segment. Development versions M.N.P.devX are not released on GitHub but they are deployed as conda packages (see next).

Conda packages and channels: stable M.N.P and pre-release M.N.P.devX

Conda packages are deployed for stable releases (vM.N.P on branch main) and for development versions (M.N.P.devX on branch dev). The stable release deploys to conda channel kutaslab/label/main and is the default for fitgrid conda installation. The development package deploys to channel kutaslab/label/pre-release so the latest features and bug-fixes can be installed in conda environments with conda package dependency resolution.

Sphinx and sphinx-gallery documentation

Documentation for the latest stable conda package vM.N.P is deployed to gh-pages and available online at Documentation for the latest development version M.N.P.devX is deployed to gh-pages-dev and available online at

Continuous Integration and Deployment (CID)

The fitgrid CID is implemented in a single-pass GitHub Action workflow, figrid-cid.yml. The continuous integration workflow is triggered by push, pull request and manual release events on GitHub. The deploy phase selectively uploads the conda packages and documentation for development version pre-releases and stable releases. This scheme allows conda or mamba installation of both stable and development versions and automatically synchronizes the stable release version string and source code across the GitHub repository at, the conda packages at , the online sphinx documentation, and the Zenodo source code archive at DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3581496.


Continuous Integration and Deployment Scheme

Continuous Integration. The conda package is built from the source on the triggering branch and installed into a newly created conda test environment. The pytests in fitgrid/tests/test_*.py are run and the Sphinx html documentation is generated, including the sphinx-gallery *.py examples, in the test environment with the just-built package as installed.

Deployment. If the CI passes, workflows triggered on branch dev with version string of the form M.N.P.devX or triggered by a GitHub manual releases tagged vM.N.P on branch main auto-upload the just-built conda package and Sphinx documentation to the appropriate destination repositories.

Developing new features, bug fixes, and docs

Updates to fitgrid source and docs are committed to working branches typically derived from the kutaslab/fitgrid/dev branch and not directly to the main or dev branches which are reserved for deploying conda packages and documentation. As development on the working branches progesses (magenta in the Continuous Integration and Deployment Scheme), maintainers periodically pull the changes to the dev branch in order to deploy a pre-release package for installation into conda environments. When development is ready for a stable release, maintainers pull dev to the main branch and manually issue a stable release on GitHub tagged vM.N.P. The tagged release uploads the M.N.P conda packages and sphinx documentation and archives the M.N.P source on Zenodo.

Development workflow

It is generally advisable to develop, test, and document new work on a local computer in an active conda environment populated with the latest compatible fitgrid dependencies along with pytest, the black code formatter, and sphinx documentation generation packages because that’s what the continuous integration workflow does.

The following illustrates the steps for a hypothetical working branch called new-feature in the GitHub repo. It assumes the git, conda, and mamba executables are already installed on the local computer and the commands are executed in a bash(-like) shell.

Git setup

  1. Sign in to GitHub and create a fork of in your GitHub account.

  2. On the local computer where you plan to work, git clone the fork.

    $ git clone<your_github_username>/fitgrid

    By default, the local repo created this way will include the main branch only. Alternatively, the repo can be cloned with a specific working branch such as new-feature like so:

    $ git clone<your_github_username>/fitgrid \
      --single-branch --branch new-feature

Development environment setup

  1. Create a new named conda development environment for working on the feature, fix, or docs by installing the latest fitgrid pre-release conda package, document generation, and development tools:

    $ mamba create --name fg-new-feature \
         -c conda-forge -c ejolly -c kutaslab/label/pre-release \
    $ mamba install --name fg-new-feature \
         black pytest sphinx sphinx-gallery sphinx_rtd_theme
  2. Navigate to the top-level directory of your local fitgrid git repository, activate the new development environment, and install fitgrid from the local source in editable (a.k.a “develop”) mode:

    $ cd ~/path/to/fitgrid
    $ conda activate fg-new-feature
    (fg-new-feature) $ pip install --no-deps -e .

Why? Because installing the pre-release fitgrid conda package automatically populates the just-created environment with the latest compatible versions of the hundreds of Python, R, and matrix math dependencies that the latest version of fitgrid needs to run. Then pip replaces the just-downloaded-and-installed fitgrid conda package located in your ~/path/to/conda/envs/fg-new-feature/path/to/site-packages/fitgrid with a link to your ~/path/to/fitgrid local git repo. This way, the files you modify are loaded when fitgrid modules are imported by the pytests and sphinx document generators and your changes are version-controlled by git.


Experience indicates this is the only time pip install should be used while developing fitgrid on pain of corrupting the conda environment. If you want to add other packages to the development environment use mamba install or conda install.

Develop, test, document

  1. Activate the fg-new-feature development environment.

    $ conda activate fg-new-feature
    (fg-new-feature) $
  2. Checkout the git working branch. If it doesn’t exist locally, git should automagically set it to track the remote working branch in your GitHub fork, make sure it does.

    $ git checkout new-feature
  3. Ensure the commit history of the new-feature branch in your GitHub fork and local repo are both up to date with the branch in the upstream GitHub repo where you will make the pull request (PR), i.e., new-feature in this example. This helps reduce risk of merge conflicts later when changes are pulled back into the upstream repository.

  4. Make the changes to the source code .py or docs .rst.

  5. Document the .py source files with numpy-style docstrings.

  6. For new functionality add or update pytests in fitgrid/tests/test_*.py to cover the changes.

  7. If it is useful, add or update a working .py example in the relevant fitgrid/docs/gallery subdirectories for display in the Examples Gallery.

  8. Run a code checker such as flake8 or pylint on the .py files.

  9. Navigate to the top level of the fitgrid repository, run the code formatter and pytests the same way the GitHub Action CI does:

    (fg-new-feature) $ black -S --line-length 79 .
    (fg-new-feature) $ pytest
  10. When pytests pass, navigate to the top level of the fitgrid repository and build the sphinx documentation the same way the GitHub Action CI does:

    (fg-new-feature) $ make -C docs clean; make -C docs html

    Monitor the docs building for errors and warnings, then open the local file ~/path/to/fitgrid/docs/build/html/index.html in your web browser and visually verify that the .rst docs and sphinx-gallery *.py Python examples in the subdirectories of ~/path/to/fitgrid/docs/source/gallery produce the expected results and figures.

Pull requests (PRs)

  1. When pytests pass and documentation builds locally, commit the changes on branch new-feature and push the working branch to your forked fitgrid repository on GitHub.

  2. Sign in to GitHub, navigate to your fork’s Action tab and verify that the push on branch new-feature triggered an Action workflow that runs without error.

  3. If the workflow fails, inspect the Action log, diagnose the problem, go back to Develop, test, document, fix the problem in the local repo, commit the changes, and push them to the forked repository.

  4. When the CI workflow for branch new-feature passes in the forked repository, make a pull request back to the upstream working branch.


  • Run conda list fitgrid to confirm it is installed in editable mode in the active development environment. It should look something like this:

    (fg-new-feature) userid@machine$ conda list fitgrid
    # packages in environment at /home/userid/miniconda3/envs/fg-new-feature:
    # Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
    fitgrid                   0.5.1.dev5                dev_0    <develop>

    Check that Version matches the version string in fitgrid/ in your local source git repo and the conda Channel is <develop>.

  • If you plan to use Jupyter or JupyterLab to develop code or documentation examples things may go more smoothly if you mamba install or conda install the package into the development enviroment where you are working on fitgrid.

  • If working in a Jupyter notebook, you can use importlib.reload() to load modified source code between kernel restarts.

  • You can rebuild the .rst documentation quickly without running the sphinx-gallery Python examples by running this command in the top-level repository directory:

    make -C docs html-noexec