Source code for fitgrid.models

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""User modeling functions and developer utilities for populating Time
x Channel grids with OLS and LMER model fits. The API exposes the
primary user interface functions for general use with ``Epochs``
objects as ``fitgrid.lm`` and ``fitgrid.lmer``.


from math import ceil
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Pool
from contextlib import redirect_stdout
from io import StringIO

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from statsmodels.formula.api import ols
from pymer4 import Lmer  # moved up from lmer_single() for Multiprocessing
from tqdm import tqdm

from .errors import FitGridError
from . import tools
from .fitgrid import FitGrid, LMFitGrid, LMERFitGrid

[docs]def validate_LHS(epochs, LHS): # must be a list of strings if not ( isinstance(LHS, list) and all(isinstance(item, str) for item in LHS) ): raise FitGridError('LHS must be a list of strings.') # all LHS items must be present in the epochs_table missing = set(LHS) - set(epochs.table.columns) if missing: raise FitGridError( 'Items in LHS should all be present in the epochs table, ' f'the following are missing: {missing}' )
[docs]def validate_RHS(RHS): # validate RHS if RHS is None: raise FitGridError('Specify the RHS argument.') if not isinstance(RHS, str): raise FitGridError('RHS has to be a string.')
[docs]def process_key_and_group(key_and_group, function, channels): key, group = key_and_group results = {channel: function(group, channel) for channel in channels} return pd.Series(results, name=key)
[docs]def run_model( epochs, function, channels=None, parallel=False, n_cores=4, quiet=False ): """Run an arbitrary model on the epochs. Parameters ---------- epochs : Epochs the epochs object on which the model is to be run function : Python function function that runs a model, see Notes below for details channels : list of str list of channels to serve as dependent variables parallel : bool, defaults to False set to True in order to run in parallel n_cores : int, defaults to 4 number of processes to run in parallel quiet : bool, defaults to False set to True to disable progress bar display Returns ------- grid : FitGrid a FitGrid object containing the results Notes ----- The function should take two parameters, ``data`` and ``channel``, run some model on the data, and return an object containing the results. ``data`` will be a snapshot across epochs at a single timepoint, containing all channels of interest. ``channel`` is the name of the target variable that the function runs the model against (uses it as the dependent variable). Examples -------- Here's an example of a function that can be passed to ``run_model``:: def regression(data, channel): formula = channel + ' ~ continuous + categorical' return ols(formula, data).fit() """ _grid = _run_model( epochs, function, channels=channels, parallel=parallel, n_cores=n_cores, quiet=quiet, ) return FitGrid(_grid, epochs.epoch_index, epochs.time)
def _run_model( epochs, function, channels=None, parallel=False, n_cores=4, quiet=False ): if channels is None: channels = epochs.channels validate_LHS(epochs, channels) groups = tqdm(epochs._snapshots, disable=quiet) processor = partial( process_key_and_group, function=function, channels=channels ) if parallel: chunksize = ceil(len(groups) / n_cores) with tools.single_threaded(np): with Pool(n_cores) as pool: results =, groups, chunksize=chunksize) else: results = map(processor, groups) grid = pd.concat(results, axis=1).T = epochs.time return grid # dataframe, not FitGrid
[docs]def lm_single(data, channel, RHS, eval_env): formula = channel + ' ~ ' + RHS return ols(formula, data, eval_env=eval_env).fit()
[docs]def lm( epochs, LHS=None, RHS=None, parallel=False, n_cores=4, quiet=False, eval_env=4, ): """Run ordinary least squares linear regression on the epochs. Parameters ---------- epochs : Epochs epochs object on which regression is to be run LHS : list of str, optional, defaults to all channels list of channels for the left hand side of the regression formula RHS : str right hand side of the regression formula parallel : bool, defaults to False change to True to run in parallel n_cores : int, defaults to 4 number of processes to use for computation quiet : bool, defaults to False set to True to disable fitting progress bar eval_env : int or patsy.EvalEnvironment, defaults to 4 environment to use for evaluating patsy formulas, see patsy docs Returns ------- grid : LMFitGrid LMFitGrid object containing the results of the regression """ if LHS is None: LHS = epochs.channels validate_LHS(epochs, LHS) validate_RHS(RHS) function = partial(lm_single, RHS=RHS, eval_env=eval_env) _grid = _run_model( epochs, function=function, channels=LHS, parallel=parallel, n_cores=n_cores, quiet=quiet, ) return LMFitGrid(_grid, epochs.epoch_index, epochs.time)
[docs]def lmer_single( data, channel, RHS, family, conf_int, factors, permute, ordered, REML ): model = Lmer(channel + ' ~ ' + RHS, data=data, family=family) # DEPRECATED redirect_stdout as of pymer 0.7+ # with redirect_stdout(StringIO()) as captured_stdout: summarize=False, conf_int=conf_int, factors=factors, permute=permute, ordered=ordered, REML=REML, ) # lmer prints warnings, capture them # warning = captured_stdout.getvalue() # in pymer4 <= 0.6 lmer warnings were not attached to the model object # model.has_warning = True if warning else False # model.warning = warning # as of pymer4 0.7+ model.warning -> model.warnings model.has_warning = True if len(model.warnings) > 0 else False # captured_stdout.close() del del model.design_matrix del model.model_obj # return model.AIC # return model._REML # return model.__class__ return model
[docs]def lmer( epochs, LHS=None, RHS=None, family='gaussian', conf_int='Wald', factors=None, permute=None, ordered=False, REML=True, parallel=False, n_cores=4, quiet=False, ): """Fit lme4 linear mixed model by interfacing with R. Parameters ---------- epochs : Epochs epochs object on which lmer is to be run LHS : list of str, optional, defaults to all channels list of channels for the left hand side of the lmer formula RHS : str right hand side of the lmer formula family : str, defaults to 'gaussian' distribution link function to use conf_int : str, defaults to 'Wald' factors : dict, optional Keys should be column names in data to treat as factors. Values should either be a list containing unique variable levels if dummy-coding or polynomial coding is desired. Otherwise values should themselves be dictionaries with unique variable levels as keys and desired contrast values (as specified in R!) as keys. permute : int, defaults to None if non-zero, computes parameter significance tests by permuting test stastics rather than parametrically. Permutation is done by shuffling observations within clusters to respect random effects structure of data. ordered : bool, defaults to False whether factors should be treated as ordered polynomial contrasts; this will parameterize a model with K-1 orthogonal polynomial regressors beginning with a linear contrast based on the factor order provided REML : bool, defaults to True change to False to use ML estimation parallel : bool, defaults to False change to True to run in parallel n_cores : int, defaults to 4 number of processes to use for computation quiet : bool, defaults to False set to True to disable fitting progress bar Returns ------- grid : LMERFitGrid LMERFitGrid object containing the results of lmer fitting """ if LHS is None: LHS = epochs.channels validate_LHS(epochs, LHS) validate_RHS(RHS) function = partial( lmer_single, RHS=RHS, family=family, conf_int=conf_int, factors=factors, permute=permute, ordered=ordered, REML=REML, ) _grid = _run_model( epochs, function, channels=LHS, parallel=parallel, n_cores=n_cores, quiet=quiet, ) return LMERFitGrid(_grid, epochs.epoch_index, epochs.time)