"""Module mkio.py minor tweak of NJS dig format reader and (avg) writer
Code has four main sections/functions
1. Setup
2. Helper functions
3. Readers
4. Writers
# --------
# 1. Setup
# --------
import struct
import numpy as np
import gzip
import math
import os
from mkpy._mkh5 import _decompress_crw_chunk
from mkpy import get_ver
# ----------
# 2. Helpers
# ----------
# Derived from erp/include/header.h:
# '<' denotes little-endianness
_header_dtype = np.dtype(
("magic", "<u2"),
("epoch_len", "<i2"), # epoch length in msec
("nchans", "<i2"), # number of channels
("sums", "<i2"), # 0 = ERP, 1 = single trial
# ^^ 8 bytes
("tpfuncs", "<i2"), # number of processing funcs
("pp10uv", "<i2"), # points / 10 uV
("verpos", "<i2"), # positive point positive voltage, -1 => opposite
("odelay", "<i2"), # ms from trigger to stim (8 video, 4 audio)
# ^^ 16 bytes
("totevnt", "<i2"), # "total log events"
("10usec_per_tick", "<i2"),
("time", "<i4"), # "time in sample clock ticks"
# ^^ 24 bytes
("cond_code", "<i2"),
("presam", "<i2"), # pre-event time in epoch in msec
("trfuncs", "<i2"), # number of rejection functions
("totrr", "<i2"), # total raw records including rejects
# ^^ 32 bytes
("totrej", "<i2"), # total raw rejects
("sbcode", "<i2"), # "subcondition number (bin number)"
("cprecis", "<i2"), # channel precision in # of 256 points blocks
("dummy1", "<i2"), # placeholder for ovf_errors (see header)
# ^^ 40 bytes
("decfact", "<i2"), # decimation factor used in processing
("dh_flag", "<i2"), # sets time resolution (see header defines)
("dh_item", "<i4"), # sequential item #
# ^^ 48 bytes
("rfcnts", "<i2", (8,)), # ndividual rejection counts 8 poss. rfs
("rftypes", "S64"), # 8 char. descs for 8 poss. rfs
("chndes", "S128"),
("subdes", "S40"),
("sbcdes", "S40"),
("condes", "S40"),
("expdes", "S40"),
("pftypes", "S24"),
("chndes2", "S40"),
("flags", "<u2"), # see flag values in header
("nrawrecs", "<u2"), # raw records if this is a raw file header
("idxofflow", "<u2"),
("idxoffhi", "<u2"),
("chndes3", "S24"), # channel description size
# If, say, chndes has trailing null bytes, then rec["chndes"] will give us a
# less-than-128-byte string back. But this function always gives us the full
# 128 byte string, trailing nuls and all.
def _get_full_string(record, key):
val = record[key]
desired_len = record.dtype.fields[key][0].itemsize
return val + (desired_len - len(val)) * b"\x00" # TPU forced to byte
def _gzipped(stream):
"""Return True if stream is a gzip file."""
initial_pos = stream.tell()
gzip_magic = b"\x1f\x8b"
file_magic = stream.read(2)
stream.seek(initial_pos) # rewind back 2 bytes
return file_magic == gzip_magic
def _get_reader_for_magic(magic):
"""Return appropriate reader function based on the magic."""
if magic == 0x17A5:
return _read_raw_chunk
elif magic == 0x97A5:
return _read_compressed_chunk
return None
def _is_valid_samplerate(hz):
"""Return True if sample rate is close to an integer, False otherwise."""
closest_integer = round(hz, 0)
if not math.isclose(hz, closest_integer, abs_tol=1e-6):
return False
return True
def _get_channel_names(header):
"""Extract list of channel names from header."""
if header["nchans"] <= 16:
dtype = "S8"
elif header["nchans"] <= 32:
dtype = "S4"
raise NotImplementedError(
"Channel name extraction for large " "montages not yet supported"
# return np.fromstring(_get_full_string(header, 'chndes'), dtype=dtype)
return np.frombuffer(_get_full_string(header, "chndes"), dtype=dtype)
# -------
# Readers
# -------
def _read_header(stream):
"""Read header (the first 512 bytes) from file, return a subset of it.
stream : filestream
.raw or .crw filestream
(reader, header["nchans"], hz, channel_names, info) : tuple
reader : function
_read_raw_chunk or _read_compressed_chunk
header["nchans"] : int
number of data channels
hz : float
sampling frequency in samples per second
channel_names : NumPy array of binary strings
channel name codes, e.g. MiPf, LLPf, etc.
info : dict
dictionary with keys:
name, magic, subdesc, expdesc,
odelay, samplerate, recordduration,
recordsize, nrawrecs, nchans
# read header from file and build NumPy data structure
header_str = stream.read(512)
# fromstring deprecated b.c. strange behavior on unicode
# header = np.fromstring(header_str, dtype=_header_dtype)[0]
header = np.frombuffer(header_str, dtype=_header_dtype)[0]
# determine appropriate reader function
reader = _get_reader_for_magic(header["magic"])
if reader is None:
raise ValueError(f'Bad magic number: {hex(header["magic"])}.')
# calculate and validate sample rate
hz = 1 / (header["10usec_per_tick"] / 100_000)
if not _is_valid_samplerate(hz):
raise ValueError(f"File claims weird non integer sample rate: {hz}.")
# extract channel name codes from header
channel_names = _get_channel_names(header)
# TPU all 16 or 32 4-byte names come back, including trailing "" names
# when nchan != 16 or 32. Drop the empty names so length of channel_names
# agrees with header nchans
assert all([len(chn) > 0 for chn in channel_names[: header["nchans"]]])
assert all([len(chn) == 0 for chn in channel_names[header["nchans"] :]])
channel_names = channel_names[: header["nchans"]]
# capture complete and jsonifiable. new in 0.2.4
raw_dig_header = dict()
for key in header.dtype.names:
val = header[key]
if np.isscalar(val):
val = val.item().decode("utf-8") if isinstance(val, bytes) else val.item()
val = val.tolist()
raw_dig_header[key] = val
info = dict(
"name": "dig",
"magic": header["magic"],
"subdesc": header["subdes"],
"expdesc": header["expdes"],
"odelay": header["odelay"],
"samplerate": hz,
"recordduration": 256 / hz,
"recordsize": 256,
"nrawrecs": header["nrawrecs"],
"nchans": header["nchans"],
"mkh5_version": get_ver(), # new in 0.2.4
"raw_dig_header": raw_dig_header,
return reader, header["nchans"], channel_names, info
[docs]def read_raw(stream, dtype):
"""parses bytestream of from kutaslab eeg file into usable data
(channel_names, np.array(all_codes, dtype=np.int16),
np.array(record_counts, dtype=np.int16),
final_data, info)
all_codes -- a vector of event codes and record indices from the mark track
final_data -- a np.array: samples (rows) x eeg channels (columns)
if _gzipped(stream):
stream = gzip.GzipFile(mode="r", fileobj=stream)
reader, nchans, channel_names, info = _read_header(stream)
# NJS. Data is stored in a series of "chunks" -- each chunk
# contains 256 s16 samples from each channel (the 32/64/whatever
# analog channels, plus 1 channel for codes -- that channel being
# first.). The code channel contains a "record number" as its
# first entry in each chunk, which simply increments by 1 each
# time.
all_codes = []
data_chunks = []
chunk_bytes = (nchans + 1) * 512
chunkno = 0
record_counts = []
while True:
read = reader(stream, nchans)
if read is None:
(codes_chunk, data_chunk) = read
assert len(codes_chunk) == 256
assert data_chunk.shape == (256 * nchans,)
assert codes_chunk[0] == chunkno
# codes_chunk[0] = 65535 ## NJS overwrote record counter
) # track for sanity checks and later processing
] = 0 # clear the record count so marktrack has all and only event codes TPU
all_codes += codes_chunk
data_chunk.resize((256, nchans))
data_chunks.append(np.array(data_chunk, dtype=dtype))
chunkno += 1
final_data = np.vstack(data_chunks)
# TPU ... changed all_codes, dtype=np.uint16 -> np.int16
all_codes = np.array(all_codes, dtype=np.int16)
return channel_names, all_codes, record_counts, final_data, info
def _read_raw_chunk(stream, nchans):
"""reads a kutaslab .raw eeg data record bytestream, returns
(mark track event codes, vector of eeg data)
chunk_bytes = (nchans + 1) * 512
buf = stream.read(chunk_bytes)
# Check for EOF:
if not buf:
return None
codes_list = list(struct.unpack("<256H", buf[:512]))
# data_chunk = np.fromstring(buf[512:], dtype="<i2")
data_chunk = np.frombuffer(buf[512:], dtype="<i2")
return (codes_list, data_chunk)
def _read_compressed_chunk(stream, nchans):
"""decompresses record of kutaslab .crw eeg data bytestream"""
# Check for EOF:
ncode_records_minus_one_buf = stream.read(1)
if not ncode_records_minus_one_buf:
return None
# Code track (run length encoded):
(ncode_records_minus_one,) = struct.unpack("<B", ncode_records_minus_one_buf)
ncode_records = ncode_records_minus_one + 1
code_records = []
for i in range(ncode_records):
code_records.append(struct.unpack("<BH", stream.read(3)))
codes_list = []
for (repeat_minus_one, code) in code_records:
codes_list += [code] * (repeat_minus_one + 1)
assert len(codes_list) == 256
# Data bytes (delta encoded and packed into variable-length integers):
(ncompressed_words,) = struct.unpack("<H", stream.read(2))
compressed_data = stream.read(ncompressed_words * 2)
data_chunk = _decompress_crw_chunk(compressed_data, ncompressed_words, nchans)
return (codes_list, data_chunk)
[docs]def read_log(fo):
"""generator reads kutaslab binary log, returns (code, tick, condition, flag)
fo : file object
flags values
# avg -x sets 0 = OK, 20 = artifact, 40 = polinv, 60 = polinv + artifact
# cdbl -op also sets flags according to the bdf
# 100 = data error (rare)
while True:
event = fo.read(8)
if not event:
# (code, tick_hi, tick_lo, condition, flag) \
# = struct.unpack("<HHHBB", event)
# TPU ... 2-byte event codes can be negative, i.e. short
(code, tick_hi, tick_lo, condition, flag) = struct.unpack("<hHHBB", event)
yield (code, (tick_hi << 16 | tick_lo), condition, flag) # NJS
[docs]def load(f_raw, f_log, dtype=np.float64, delete_channels=[], calibrate=True, **kwargs):
# read the raw and sanity check the records ...
channel_names, raw_codes, record_counts, data, info = read_raw(f_raw, dtype)
assert all(record_counts == np.arange(len(record_counts)))
# read the log
codes_from_log = np.zeros(raw_codes.shape, dtype=raw_codes.dtype)
for (code, tick, condition, flag) in read_log(f_log):
codes_from_log[tick] = code
discrepancies = codes_from_log != raw_codes
assert (codes_from_log[discrepancies] == 0).all()
assert (raw_codes[discrepancies] == 65535).all()
if delete_channels: # fast-path: no need to do a copy if nothing to delete
keep_channels = []
for i in range(len(channel_names)):
if channel_names[i] not in delete_channels:
assert len(keep_channels) + len(delete_channels) == len(channel_names)
data = data[:, keep_channels]
channel_names = channel_names[keep_channels]
if calibrate:
calibrate_in_place(data, raw_codes, **kwargs)
return channel_names, raw_codes, data, info
# -------
# Writers
# -------
# To write multiple "bins" to the same file, just call this function
# repeatedly on the same stream.
[docs]def write_erp_as_avg(erp, stream):
magic = "\xa5\x17"
header = np.zeros(1, dtype=_header_dtype)[0]
header["magic"] = 0x17A5
header["verpos"] = 1
# One avg record is always exactly 256 * cprecis samples long, with
# cprecis = 1, 2, 3 (limitation of the data format). So we pick the
# smallest cprecis that is <= our actual number of samples (maximum 3),
# and then we resample to have that many samples exactly. (I.e., we try
# to resample up when possible.) The kutaslab tools only do
# integer-factor downsampling (decimation), and they write the decimation
# factor to the file. I don't see how it matters for the .avg file to
# retain the decimation information, and the file won't let us write down
# upsampling (especially non-integer upsampling!), so we just set our
# decimation factor to 1 and be done with it.
if erp.data.shape[0] <= 1 * 256:
cprecis = 1
elif erp.data.shape[0] <= 2 * 256:
cprecis = 2
elif erp.data.shape[0] <= 3 * 256:
cprecis = 3
raise ValueError("cprecis > 3") ## TPU
samples = cprecis * 256
if erp.data.shape[0] != samples:
import scipy.signal
resampled_data = scipy.signal.resample(erp.data, samples)
resampled_data = erp.data
assert resampled_data.shape == (samples, erp.data.shape[1])
resampled_sp_10us = int(
round((erp.times.max() - erp.times.min()) * 100.0 / samples)
epoch_len_ms = int(round(samples * resampled_sp_10us / 100.0))
# Need to convert to s16's. To preserve as much resolution as possible,
# we use the full s16 range, minus a bit to make sure we don't run into
# any overflow issues.
s16_max = 2**15 - 10
# Same as np.abs(data).max(), but without copying the whole array:
data_max = max(resampled_data.max(), np.abs(resampled_data.min()))
# We have to write the conversion factor as an integer, so we round it
# down here, and then use the *rounded* version to actually convert the
# data.
s16_per_10uV = int(s16_max / (data_max / 10))
# Except that if our conversion factor itself overflows, then we have to
# truncate it back down (and lose a bit of resolution in the process, oh
# well):
if s16_per_10uV > s16_max:
s16_per_10uV = s16_max
integer_data = np.array(np.round(s16_per_10uV * resampled_data / 10.0), dtype="<i2")
header["epoch_len"] = epoch_len_ms
header["nchans"] = integer_data.shape[1]
header["sums"] = 0 # ERP
header["tpfuncs"] = 1 # processing function of "averaging"
header["pftypes"] = "average"
header["pp10uv"] = s16_per_10uV
header["10usec_per_tick"] = resampled_sp_10us
header["presam"] = 0 - erp.times.min()
header["cprecis"] = cprecis
header["decfact"] = 1
if "num_combined_trials" in erp.metadata:
header["totrr"] = erp.metadata["num_combined_trials"]
if len(erp.channel_names) <= 16:
header["chndes"] = np.asarray(erp.channel_names, dtype="S8").tostring()
elif len(erp.channel_names) <= 32:
header["chndes"] = np.asarray(erp.channel_names, dtype="S4").tostring()
assert False, "Channel name writing for large montages not yet supported"
if "experiment" in erp.metadata:
header["expdes"] = erp.metadata["experiment"]
if "subject" in erp.metadata:
header["subdes"] = erp.metadata["subject"]
if erp.name is not None:
header["condes"] = erp.name
# avg files omit the mark track. And, all the data for a single channel
# goes together in a single chunk, rather than interleaving all channels.
for i in range(integer_data.shape[1]):
integer_data[:, i].tofile(stream)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# stub