Source code for

""":meta private:"""

import re
import yaml
import h5py
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from . import h5tools, mkh5

[docs]def read_excel_codemap(file, sheet_name=0): """Read Excel .xlsx file, return codemap pandas DataFrame.""" codemap = pd.read_excel( file, sheet_name=sheet_name, engine="openpyxl", index_col="Index" ) if "regexp" not in codemap.columns: raise ValueError('"regexp" column must be present.') return codemap
[docs]def read_txt_codemap(file): """Read tab-separated text file, return codemap pandas DataFrame.""" codemap = pd.read_table(file, index_col="Index") if "regexp" not in codemap.columns: raise ValueError('"regexp" column must be present.') return codemap
[docs]def read_yaml_codemap(file): """Read YAML file, return codemap pandas DataFrame.""" with open(file, "r") as f: yaml_dict = yaml.load(f) _validate_yaml_dict(yaml_dict) columns = yaml_dict["columns"] rows = yaml_dict["rows"] codemap = pd.DataFrame(data=rows, columns=columns).set_index("Index") return codemap
def _validate_yaml_dict(yaml_dict): """Check validity of YAML file contents.""" if not isinstance(yaml_dict, dict): raise ValueError( "YAML file must define a dictionary-like mapping, " f"got a {type(yaml_dict)} instead." ) if "columns" not in yaml_dict: raise ValueError('YAML file must have a "columns" entry.') columns = yaml_dict["columns"] if not isinstance(columns, list): raise ValueError('"columns" must be a sequence (a list).') if "Index" not in columns or "regexp" not in columns: raise ValueError('Both "Index" and "regexp" columns must be present.') if "rows" not in yaml_dict: raise ValueError('YAML file must have a "rows" entry.') rows = yaml_dict["rows"] if not isinstance(rows, list): raise ValueError('"columns" must be a sequence (a list).') ncols = len(columns) for row in rows: if not isinstance(row, list) or len(row) != ncols: raise ValueError( f"Each row must be a list " f"and contain {ncols} items: {columns},\n" f"but this row doesn't: {row}." )
[docs]def find_evcodes(pattern, ticks, evcodes): """Run a regular expression search on an array of event codes. Parameters ---------- pattern : str A regular expression pattern string containing exactly one anchor. For a detailed explanation of the format, see notes below. ticks, evcodes : NumPy arrays Arrays of the same shape containing ticks and event codes of a single data block from positions with nonzero event codes. Although the last requirement is not mandatory, this is the intended use. Returns ------- df : pandas DataFrame DataFrame describing matches for the pattern. """ _validate_ticks_and_evcodes(ticks, evcodes) _validate_pattern(pattern) # the hash denotes the anchor group, we make it named pattern = pattern.replace("(#", "(?P<anchor>") # group match should align with an alphanumeric word boundary on the right pattern = pattern.replace(r")", r"\b)") compiled_pattern = re.compile(pattern) # this is necessary to identify anchor groups later anchor_group_id = compiled_pattern.groupindex["anchor"] # convert evcodes to string so we can run regex sep = " " codestring = sep + sep.join(evcodes.astype(str)) # map positions in code string to indices in evcodes sep_matches = re.finditer(sep, codestring) position_to_index = {match.end(): i for i, match in enumerate(sep_matches)} assert len(position_to_index) == len(evcodes) # run regular expression search on the codestring matches = list(re.finditer(compiled_pattern, codestring)) # collect information about each match aligned with a code matches_info = [ { "group": group.strip(), "group_id": group_id, "group_position": match.start(group_id), "match_id": match_id, } for match_id, match in enumerate(matches) # enumerate from index 1, since at 0 we have the universal match group for group_id, group in enumerate(match.groups(), 1) # match must align with an eventcode position if match.start() in position_to_index ] # check that no group matched more than one code if any(len(item["group"].split(" ")) != 1 for item in matches_info): raise ValueError("Groups must match one code.") # further manipulations are better done in pandas df = pd.DataFrame(matches_info) if df.empty: return df # we need to recover indices from code positions in the code string indices = df["group_position"].map(position_to_index) df["dblock_ticks"] = ticks[indices] df["match_code"] = evcodes[indices] df["is_anchor"] = df["group_id"] == anchor_group_id # verify that matched codes are equal to corresponding evcodes assert (df["group"].astype(int) == df["match_code"]).all() df.drop(["group", "group_position"], axis=1, inplace=True) # derive anchor information anchors = df[df["is_anchor"]] anchor_data = anchors[["match_id", "dblock_ticks", "match_code"]].rename( columns={"dblock_ticks": "anchor_tick", "match_code": "anchor_code"} ) df = df.merge(anchor_data, on="match_id") df["anchor_tick_delta"] = df["dblock_ticks"] - df["anchor_tick"] return df
def _validate_pattern(pattern): """Check that regex pattern conforms to type and format requirements.""" if not isinstance(pattern, str): raise TypeError("Pattern must be a string.") if pattern.count("(#") != 1: raise ValueError("Pattern must contain exactly one anchor group.") if pattern.startswith(" ") or pattern.endswith(" "): raise ValueError("Pattern cannot start or end with a whitespace.") if 2 * " " in pattern: raise ValueError("Pattern cannot contain consecutive whitespaces.") return re.compile(pattern) def _validate_ticks_and_evcodes(ticks, evcodes): """Ensure ticks and evcodes are NumPy arrays and have matching shapes.""" if not isinstance(ticks, np.ndarray): raise TypeError(f"ticks must be a NumPy array, not {type(ticks)}.") if not isinstance(evcodes, np.ndarray): raise TypeError(f"evcodes must be a NumPy array, not {type(evcodes)}.") if ticks.shape != evcodes.shape: raise ValueError( f"ticks and evcodes should have equal shape:\n" f"ticks is {ticks.shape}, evcodes is {evcodes.shape}" )
[docs]def build_event_table(h5_fname, code_map, header_map_f): """Construct an event table from the provided codemap and header map file. Parameters ---------- h5_fname : str HDF5 file name code_map : pandas DataFrame DataFrame containing at least columns Index and regexp. The regexp column specifies regular expressions describing event code patterns. header_map_f : str header map file name, to be replaced by DataFrame Returns ------- event_table : pandas DataFrame """ with h5py.File(h5_fname, "r") as h5: # dblock census dblocks_and_paths = [ (h5[dblock_path], dblock_path) for dgroup_path in h5tools.get_data_group_paths(h5_fname) for dblock_path in h5tools.get_dblock_paths(h5_fname, dgroup_path) ] # subset every dblock for nonzero event codes nonzero = [ (dblock[dblock["log_evcodes"] != 0], dblock_path) for dblock, dblock_path in dblocks_and_paths ] # build three dataframes header_df = build_header_df(dblocks_and_paths, header_map_f) match_df = build_match_df(nonzero, code_map) dblock_df = build_dblock_df(nonzero) # merge them to get the event table event_table = match_df.merge(header_df, how="left", on="dblock_path").merge( dblock_df, how="left", on=["dblock_path", "dblock_ticks"] ) # we love pandas, but we want to make sure no information is lost # first, we check that no rows from the match_df are missing assert len(match_df) == len(event_table) # second, we want to make sure the merges were complete in the sense # that no values are missing assert event_table.notnull().values.all() # finally, set epoch information event_table["epoch_match_tick_delta"] = 0 event_table["epoch_ticks"] = 1 return event_table
[docs]def build_match_df(dblocks_and_paths, code_map): """Run pattern matcher on dblocks using codemap.""" match_dfs = ( ( find_evcodes(row.regexp, db["dblock_ticks"], db["log_evcodes"]).assign( Index=row.Index, dblock_path=dbp ) ) for db, dbp in dblocks_and_paths for row in code_map.itertuples() ) nonempty_match_dfs = [match_df for match_df in match_dfs if not match_df.empty] match_df = pd.concat(nonempty_match_dfs, ignore_index=True) match_df = match_df.join(code_map, on="Index") return match_df
[docs]def build_header_df(dblocks_and_paths, header_map_f): """Collect header 'slicing' data from given dblocks.""" hio = mkh5.mkh5.HeaderIO() hio.set_slicer(header_map_f) header_data = [] for dblock, dblock_path in dblocks_and_paths: hio.get(dblock) data = { **dict(hio.get_slices()), "dblock_path": dblock_path, "data_group":"/"), "dblock_srate": hio.header["samplerate"], } header_data.append(data) return pd.DataFrame(header_data)
[docs]def build_dblock_df(dblocks_and_paths): """Make a DataFrame from a subset of dblock columns.""" dblock_dfs = [ pd.DataFrame(dblock).assign(dblock_path=dblock_path) for dblock, dblock_path in dblocks_and_paths ] cols = [ "dblock_ticks", "crw_ticks", "raw_evcodes", "log_evcodes", "log_ccodes", "log_flags", "dblock_path", ] dblock_df = pd.concat(dblock_dfs)[cols] return dblock_df