"""utilities for epoched EEG data in a pandas.DataFrame """
from pathlib import Path
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import bottleneck as bn
from spudtr.filters import _design_firwin_filter, fir_filter_dt
EPOCH_ID = "epoch_id" # default epoch ID column
TIME = "time" # default time column
def _validate_epochs_df(epochs_df, epoch_id=EPOCH_ID, time=TIME):
"""check form and index of the epochs_df is as expected
epochs_df : pd.DataFrame
epoch_id : str (optional, default=epf.EPOCH_ID)
column name for epoch indexes
time: str (optional, default=epf.TIME)
column name for time stamps
for key, val in {"epoch_id": epoch_id, "time": time}.items():
if val not in epochs_df.columns:
raise ValueError(f"{key} column not found: {val}")
def _epochs_QC(epochs_df, data_streams, epoch_id=EPOCH_ID, time=TIME):
"""Quality control for spudtr format epochs, returns epochs_df on success"""
# epochs_df must be a Pandas DataFrame.
if not isinstance(epochs_df, pd.DataFrame):
raise ValueError("epochs_df must be a Pandas DataFrame.")
# data_streams must be a list of strings
if not isinstance(data_streams, list) or not all(
isinstance(item, str) for item in data_streams
raise ValueError("data_streams should be a list of strings.")
# all channels must be present as epochs_df columns
missing_channels = set(data_streams) - set(epochs_df.columns)
if missing_channels:
raise ValueError(
"data_streams should all be present in the epochs dataframe, "
f"the following are missing: {list(missing_channels)}"
# check no duplicate column names in index and regular columns
names = list(epochs_df.index.names) + list(epochs_df.columns)
if len(names) != len(set(names)):
raise ValueError("Duplicate column names not allowed.")
# epoch_id and time must be the columns in the epochs_df
_validate_epochs_df(epochs_df, epoch_id=epoch_id, time=time)
# check values of epoch_id in every time group are the same, and
# unique in each time group. Make our own copy so we are immune to
# modification to original table
table = epochs_df.copy().reset_index().set_index(epoch_id).sort_index()
assert table.index.names == [epoch_id]
snapshots = table.groupby([time])
# check that snapshots across epochs have equal index by transitivity
prev_group = None
for idx, cur_group in snapshots:
if prev_group is not None:
if not prev_group.index.equals(cur_group.index):
raise ValueError(
f"Snapshot {idx} differs from "
f"previous snapshot in {epoch_id} index:\n"
f"Current snapshot's indices:\n"
f"Previous snapshot's indices:\n"
prev_group = cur_group
def list_duplicates(seq):
seen = set()
seen_add = seen.add
# adds all elements it doesn't know yet to seen and all other to seen_twice
seen_twice = set(x for x in seq if x in seen or seen_add(x))
# turn the set into a list (as requested)
return list(seen_twice)
if not prev_group.index.is_unique:
dupes = list_duplicates(list(prev_group.index))
raise ValueError(
f"Duplicate values of epoch_id in each" f"time group not allowed:\n{dupes}"
return epochs_df
def _hdf_read_epochs(epochs_f, h5_group, epoch_id=EPOCH_ID, time=TIME):
"""read tabular hdf5 epochs file, return as pd.DataFrame
.. deprecated:: 0.0.9
Use native pandas HDF functions instead. Will be removed in 0.0.11
epochs_f : str
name of the recorded epochs file to load
h5_group : str
name of h5 group key
df : pd.DataFrame
columns in INDEX_NAMES are pd.MultiIndex axis 0
"_hdf_read_epochs() is unused, untested, and deprecated in spudtr.epf v0.0.9 and will be removed in v0.0.11",
if h5_group is None:
raise ValueError("You have to give h5_group key")
epochs_df = pd.read_hdf(epochs_f, h5_group)
_validate_epochs_df(epochs_df, epoch_id=epoch_id, time=time)
return epochs_df
def _find_subscript(times, start, stop):
"""start stop interval includes end both end time stamps
This makes the timestamp interval open left and right,
[start, stop] when slicing with pandas and open left,
closed right, [start, stop) when slicing with numpy.
istart = np.where(times >= start)[0]
if len(istart) == 0:
raise ValueError(
"start is too large (%s), it exceeds the largest " "time value" % (start,)
istart = int(istart[0])
istop = np.where(times <= stop)[0]
if len(istop) == 0:
raise ValueError(
"stop is too small (%s), it is smaller than the "
"smallest time value" % (stop,)
istop = int(istop[-1])
if istart >= istop:
raise ValueError(
"Bad rescaling slice (%s:%s) from time values %s, %s"
% (istart, istop, start, stop)
return istart, istop
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# user API
# ------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def check_epochs(epochs_df, data_streams, epoch_id=EPOCH_ID, time=TIME):
"""check epochs data are in spudtr format
epochs_df : pd.DataFrame
data_streams: list of str
the columns containing data
epoch_id : str, optional
column name for the epoch index
time: str, optional
column name for the time stamps
diagnostic for what went wrong
_ = _epochs_QC(epochs_df, data_streams, epoch_id=epoch_id, time=time)
[docs]def center_eeg(epochs_df, eeg_streams, start, stop, epoch_id=EPOCH_ID, time=TIME):
"""center (a.k.a. "baseline") EEG amplitude on mean amplitude in [start, stop)
epochs_df : pd.DataFrame
must have epoch_id and time columns
eeg_streams: list of str
column names to apply the transform
start,stop : int
basline interval time values, `start <= t <= stop`
epoch_id : str, optional
column to use for the epoch index
time : str, optional
column to use for the time stamp index
centered_epochs_df : pd.DataFrame
each epoch and channel time series centered on the [start, stop)
interval mean amplitude
The `start`, `stop` values pick the smallest and largest
timestamps in the interval, i.e., [start_stamp, stop_stamp], but
since the data are sliced with np.arange, the upper bound is not
included, i.e., start_stamp <= timestamps < stop_stamp. So, for
instance, start=-200, stop=0, would include timestamps at -200,
-199, ... -1, but not 0.
_epochs_QC(epochs_df, eeg_streams, epoch_id=epoch_id, time=time)
# calculate the row-index vector to slice the centering intervals
n_times = len(epochs_df[time].unique())
n_epochs = len(epochs_df[epoch_id].unique())
times = epochs_df[time].unique()
istart, istop = _find_subscript(times, start, stop)
center_idxs = np.array(
np.arange(istart + (i * n_times), istop + (i * n_times))
for i in range(n_epochs)
# use pandas iloc index slicing then groupby epoch_id to compute means
mns = epochs_df.iloc[center_idxs, :].groupby(epoch_id)[eeg_streams].mean()
# inflate the means to the shape of the data and subtract in place, not sure if view() saves memory
centered_epochs_df = epochs_df.copy()
centered_epochs_df[eeg_streams] -= np.repeat(mns.to_numpy().view(), n_times, axis=0)
return centered_epochs_df
[docs]def drop_bad_epochs(epochs_df, bads_column, epoch_id=EPOCH_ID, time=EPOCH_ID):
"""Quality control data slicer, excludes previously tagged artifact epochs
All epochs tagged with a non-zero quality code on the specified
`bads_column` at the time stamp == 0 are excluded.
epochs_df : pd.DataFrame
must have epoch_id and time row index names
bads_column : str
column name with QC codes: non-zero == drop
epoch_id : str, optional
column name for epoch indexes
time: str, optional
column name for time stamps
good_epochs_df : pd.DataFrame
subset of the epochs with code 0 on `bads_column` at timestamp == 0
_epochs_QC(epochs_df, [bads_column], epoch_id=epoch_id, time=time)
# get the group of time == 0
group = epochs_df.groupby([time]).get_group(0)
good_idx = list(group[epoch_id][group[bads_column] == 0])
good_epochs_df = epochs_df[epochs_df[epoch_id].isin(good_idx)].copy()
return good_epochs_df
[docs]def re_reference(epochs_df, eeg_streams, ref, ref_type, epoch_id=EPOCH_ID, time=TIME):
"""Convert EEG data recorded with a common reference to a different reference
.. warning::
These transforms are intended for use with common reference EEG
data. Use with other types of data are at your own risk.
epochs_df : pd.DataFrame
must have epoch_id and time row index names
eeg_streams : list-like of str
the names of colums to transform
ref : str or list-like of str
name of the 2nd stream for a linked pair, the new common
reference, or the complete list of streams to use for a common
average reference
type : str = {'linked_pair', 'new_common', 'common_average'}
epoch_id : str, optional
time : str, optional
a copy of epochs_df with `eeg_streams` re-referenced
Transforms the EEG data to a "linked" pair reference:
.. math::
EEG_{\\text{re-referenced}} = EEG - (0.5 \\times EEG_{ref})
May be used to switch from an A1 left mastoid common reference to a
common linked A1, A2 mastoid reference ("bimastoid").
Transforms EEG to a different common reference location:
.. math::
EEG_{\\text{re-referenced}} = EEG - EEG_{ref}
May be used switch from an A1 common reference to a vertex or
nose-tip reference.
Transforms EEG to a common average reference of :math:`N` EEG reference streams
.. math::
EEG_{\\text{re-referenced}} = EEG - \\frac{\\sum_{i=0}^{i=N}{EEG_{ref[i]}}}{N}
Switch from A1 reference to linked-mastoids
>>> eeg_streams = ['MiPf', 'MiCe', 'MiPa', 'MiOc']
>>> re_reference(epochs_df, eeg_streams, 'A2', 'linked_pair')
Switch to a vertex reference, MiCe
>>> eeg_streams = ['MiPf', 'MiCe', 'MiPa', 'MiOc']
>>> br_epochs_df = epf.re_reference(epochs_df, eeg_streams, 'MiCe', "new_common")
Switch to a common average reference (typically all available EEG data streams)
>>> eeg_streams = ['MiPf', 'MiCe', 'MiPa', 'MiOc']
>>> ref = eeg_streams
>>> br_epochs_df = epf.re_reference(epochs_df, eeg_streams, ref, "common_average")
_epochs_QC(epochs_df, eeg_streams, epoch_id=epoch_id, time=time)
# ref must be a list of strings with len(ref)>1 for ref_type of 'common_average'
if ref_type == "common_average":
if not (isinstance(ref, list) and len(ref) > 1) or not all(
isinstance(item, str) for item in ref
raise ValueError(
"ref should be a list of strings with length greater than 1."
if isinstance(ref, list) and len(ref) == 1:
ref = "".join(ref)
if ref_type == "linked_pair":
new_ref = epochs_df[ref] / 2.0
elif ref_type == "new_common":
new_ref = epochs_df[ref]
elif ref_type == "common_average":
new_ref = epochs_df[ref].mean(axis=1)
raise ValueError(f"unknown reference type: ref_type={ref_type}")
br_epochs_df = epochs_df.copy()
for col in eeg_streams:
br_epochs_df[col] = br_epochs_df[col] - new_ref
return br_epochs_df
[docs]def fir_filter_epochs(
"""apply FIRLS filtering to spudtr format epoched data
epochs_df : pd.DataFrame
must be a spudtr format epochs dataframe with epoch_id, time columns
data_columns: list of str
column names to apply the transform
ftype : str {'lowpass' , 'highpass', 'bandpass', 'bandstop'}
filter type
cutoff_hz : float or 1D-array-like of floats, length 2
1/2 amplitude cutoff frequency in Hz
width_hz : float
pass-to-stop transition band width (Hz), symmetric for bandpass, bandstop
ripple_db : float
ripple, in dB, e.g., 53.0, 60.0
window : str {'kaiser','hamming','hann','blackman'}
window type for firwin
sfreq : float
sampling frequency, e.g., 250.0, 500.0
trim_edges : bool
True trim edges, False not trim edges
epoch_id : str {"epoch_id"}, optional
column name for epoch index
time: str {"time"}, optional
column name for timestamps
a copy of epochs_df, with data in `data_columns` filtered
All the filter parameters are mandatory, consider making a
``filter_params`` dictionary and expanding it like so
``fir_filter_epochs( ..., **filter_params)``.
By default the filtered epochs have the same length as the
original. The `trim_edges` option returns the center interval of
each epoch, free from distortion at the edges but this may result in
considerable data loss depending on the filter specifications.
>>> ftype = "bandpass"
>>> cutoff_hz = [18, 35]
>>> sfreq = 250
>>> window = "kaiser"
>>> width_hz = 5
>>> ripple_db = 60
>>> epoch_id = "epoch_id"
>>> time = "time_ms"
>>> filt_test_df = epochs_filters(
# it is crucial to enforce the spudtr epochs format because trimming
# needs to know about epoch boundaries and times
_epochs_QC(epochs_df, data_columns, epoch_id=epoch_id, time=time)
_fparams = dict(
# build and apply the filter
filt_epochs_df = fir_filter_dt(epochs_df, data_columns, **_fparams)
# this trims edges in *each epoch*, 1/2 length of the filter
if trim_edges:
taps = _design_firwin_filter(**_fparams)
n_edge = int(np.floor(len(taps) / 2.0))
times = filt_epochs_df[time].unique()
start_good = times[n_edge] # first good sample
stop_good = times[-(n_edge + 1)] # last good sample
qstr = f"{time} >= @start_good and {time} <= @stop_good"
filt_epochs_df = filt_epochs_df.query(qstr).copy()
return filt_epochs_df