from pathlib import Path
import re
# single source the python package version
__version__ = "0.1.1"
DATA_DIR = Path(__file__).parents[0] / "data"
RESOURCES_DIR = Path(__file__).parents[0] / "resources"
# DEPRECATED in v.0.0.9, to be removed v0.0.11
# local EEG files for testing and docs in DATA_DIR
P3_F = "gh_sub000p3.epochs.h5"
P5_F = "gh_sub000p5.epochs.h5"
WR_F = "gh_sub000wr.epochs.h5"
# Zenodo epochs files for testing and docs
DATA_URL = r""
P3_100_FEATHER = "sub000p3.ms100.epochs.feather"
P5_100_FEATHER = "sub000p50.ms100.epochs.feather"
WR_100_FEATHER = "sub000wr.ms100.epochs.feather"
PM_100_FEATHER = "sub000pm.ms100.epochs.feather"
P3_1500_FEATHER = "sub000p3.ms1500.epochs.feather"
P5_1500_FEATHER = "sub000p50.ms1500.epochs.feather"
WR_1500_FEATHER = "sub000wr.ms1500.epochs.feather"
PM_1500_FEATHER = "sub000pm.ms1500.epochs.feather"
[docs]def get_ver():
pf_ver ="(?P<ver_str>\d+\.\d+\.\d+\S*)", __version__)
if pf_ver is None:
msg = f"""Illegal spudtr __version__: {__version__}
spudtr must have an X.Y.Z semantic version, e.g.,
__version__ = '0.0.0'
__version__ = '0.0.0.dev0'
__version__ = '0.0.0rc1'
raise Exception(msg)
return pf_ver["ver_str"]
[docs]def get_demo_df(filename, url=DATA_URL):
"""fetch and cache feather format demo EEG epochs data
default = Zenodo eeg-workshops/mkpy_data_examples/data, v0.0.3
filename : str
file to fetch
url : str {DATA_URL}
top-level URL to fetch from
df : pandas.DataFrame
spudtr epochs format data frame with epoch_id, time_ms columns
import pandas as pd
import io
import os
import requests # URL IO
# shortcut if previously downloaded
if (DATA_DIR / filename).exists():
return pd.read_feather(DATA_DIR / filename)
DATA_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# otherwise download
print(f"downloading ./spudtr/data/{filename} from {url} ... please wait")
if not url[-1] == r"/":
url += r"/"
resp = requests.get(url + filename, stream=True)
resp.raw.decode_content = True
mem_fh = io.BytesIO(
df = pd.read_feather(mem_fh)
df["epoch_id"] = df["epoch_id"].astype(int)
df.insert(1, "time_ms", df["match_time"])
df.insert(2, "sub_id", df["data_group"])
df.insert(3, "eeg_artifact", df["log_flags"])
_mkh5_internal = [
df.drop(columns=_mkh5_internal, inplace=True)
df.to_feather(DATA_DIR / filename)
return df