mkh5 EEG, events, and epochs

mkh5 HDF5 for Kutas Lab ERPSS

Time-stamped ERPSS EEG and event code data streams and auxiliary header information are converted to mkh5 format hdf5 binary data files.

Since mkh5 data files are just hdf5 files, they can be read or dumped by hdf5 linux command line utilities (h5ls, h5dump) or read processed in other languages such as MATLAB (load_hdf) , R (library(rhdf5), h5ls), or python (import h5py).

The contents of an mkh5 file are organized much like a file system directory except that instead of “folders” and “files”, the mkh5 file has “group” and “dataset” (the term “group” is native HDF5’s regrettable choice of terminology). The groups can hold further groups or datasets and form a tree that branches from the “root” into groups and ultimately terminates in data sets.

Data groups

There are two types of data groups, non-terminal and terminal. Non-terminal groups hold other groups, terminal groups hold the datasets containing the EEG data blocks.

Non-terminal data groups

These define the upper level(s) of the HDF5 tree structure and the organization is up to the user.

When .crw/.log files are loaded into the mkh5 file, the user specifies the full slashpath from the root of the mkh5 file to the hdf5 data group in the file tree structure where the ERPSS data will actually be stored.

We’ll call this “loading the .crw/.log into a data group”, and the Python looks like these examples:

myh5.create_mkdata("sub01", "sub01.crw", "sub01.log", "sub01.yhdr")
myh5.create_mkdata("expt3/sub01", "sub01.crw", "sub01.log", "sub01.yhdr")


The .crw/.log data are always loaded into the last data group on the slashpath.

Some example slashpaths:






If the data groups along the slash path already exist in the mkh5, the data are attached where they belong in the tree.

If the intermediate data groups don’t exist they are created on the fly.

This flexibility allows users create mkh5 files with different configurations for analyzing single subjects or multisubject experiments or …?

Terminal data groups

The last data group on a slashpath branch is the terminal data group. The structure of this data group is fixed by the mkh5 format specification. Immediately below the the terminal group are the EEG data block datasets as described next.

Datasets: dblocks

In contrast to the flexibility of the data group tree, the organization of datasets loaded into the terminal data group is fixed by design in the mkh5.

The basic data structure is the mkh5 datablock or dblock for short.

During data acquisition with dig the recording is typically started and stopped multiple times during the experiment, sometimes by design, sometimes to fix problems. So a single .crw and .log file typically contains multiple segments of uninterrupted recording separated by pauses of unknown duration.

When the .crw/log data files are loaded into the mkh5 file, the EEG and log data are snipped apart at the discontinuities and each of the continuous segments are formed into an mkh5 format datablock and stored as an hdf5 dataset daughter of the terminal data group in the user-specified slashpath h5_path as follows:

Within each terminal data_group the N- 1 data blocks are

  • named dblock_0, dblock_1, … dblock_N

  • the integer sequence preserves the order of the continuous segments in the the .crw/.log

  • each dblock_i is stored as a separate hdf5 dataset, the daughter


  • a tabular array of typed columnar data streams (time=rows)

    • unsigned integer time-stamps

    • integer event codes

    • EEG data (integer A/D samples, floating point uV).

  • headed by flexible document-structure extensible up to 64KB. In the Python workspace this is available as a dict; for storage in the .h5 dataset attribute it is a utf-8 JSON string.

  • the mkh5` file format uses the hdf5.Dataset Attribute to hold the header information

  • Header structures are python dictionaries, serialized for hdf5 storage as JSON strings, and tucked into the hdf5 attribute so they travel with the datablock.

  • data block header information is collected/generated from several sources. Some is read from dig .crw/.log file headers, some is generated at runtime as the dig data is converted to mkh5 format. Some is generated/merged in at runtime when the YAML header info file is processed

  • native .crw header from the info dict returned by mkio._read_header()

  • mkh5 adds a streams key to the header which gives, in column order, a sequence of maps, where the j-th map gives the name, data type, and column index of j-th data block data stream.

Single-trial EEG epochs

Once an mkh5 file with data blocks of EEG data has been constructed and the events of interest tagged with experimental variables in the event table the data are in a handy format for continuous EEG data analysis.

Since the analysis of data epochs containing events of interest is a common use case and the platform may not be Python, the export_epochs() method is available to write out single trial EEG data epochs in tabular format in (.h5) or feather (.fthr) binary data interchange formats or as tab-separated text (.txt).

Epochs are defined in the usual way as relative to some event of interest that occurred while EEG data were being recorded. Specifically, an epoch is a sample interval with a start and stop defined relative to a match` code sample from the code tagger regular expression pattern used to tag the event with the experimental information from the code tag table and/or extracted from the header.

Each epoch contains all the columns given by the event table, typically event code and EEG data streams, plus the experimental variables that were merged (or a user-selected subset of these columns).

In the exported single trial data, the column Time contains timestamps for each sample in each epoch, with the match code at Time == 0. The column Epoch_idx contains an integer index that uniquely identifies each epoch within the exported epochs table but not across tables.

The tabular single trial epochs file can be read directly into various scientific computing environements and from there it is a few short steps to visualization and analysis.

This 2-D single trial EEG data table allows the non-EEG experimental variables to travel with the EEG data during analysis sample by sample or in the aggregate.

  • row slicing the epochs table on Time index == 0 gives a (sub-)table containing all and only the time-locking data samples where the event codes of interest are found.

  • epochs grouped by timestamp and averaged within group are the grand mean ERP waveforms.

  • epochs grouped by levels of a categorical factor column and then timestamp are the conventional by-condition time-domain average ERP waveforms.

  • epochs grouped by time stamp and modeled with a linear regression model give regression ERPs (see,

Although it is obviously inefficient to broadcast experimental variables to every sample in the dataset, the cost is the same as adding any other data stream time-series, e.g., another EEG or response channel. The simplicity and familiarity of the format together with the rich inventory of data manipulation and analytic functions that operate on data tables/frames shortens the distance from single trial EEG data to analysis and interpretation for a great many types of analysis across scientific computing platforms.

import pandas as pd
epochs = pd.read_hdf('exported_epochs.h5')
(2539000, 94)

                Index  adjective  anchor_code  anchor_tick article data_group  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                                  
0         -1500     0        NaN            8        56265       a   arquan10   
          -1496     0        NaN            8        56265       a   arquan10   
          -1492     0        NaN            8        56265       a   arquan10   
          -1488     0        NaN            8        56265       a   arquan10   
          -1484     0        NaN            8        56265       a   arquan10   

                       dblock_path  dblock_srate  dblock_ticks  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                   
0         -1500  arquan10/dblock_0         250.0         55890   
          -1496  arquan10/dblock_0         250.0         55891   
          -1492  arquan10/dblock_0         250.0         55892   
          -1488  arquan10/dblock_0         250.0         55893   
          -1484  arquan10/dblock_0         250.0         55894   

                 epoch_match_tick_delta  epoch_ticks   expt  is_anchor  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                           
0         -1500                    -375         1000  eeg_1          1   
          -1496                    -375         1000  eeg_1          1   
          -1492                    -375         1000  eeg_1          1   
          -1488                    -375         1000  eeg_1          1   
          -1484                    -375         1000  eeg_1          1   

                           item_id item_id_pfx  lemma_ART_noun_anywhere_cloze  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                                  
0         -1500  i008_1_a__NA_kite   i008_1_a_                            1.0   
          -1496  i008_1_a__NA_kite   i008_1_a_                            1.0   
          -1492  i008_1_a__NA_kite   i008_1_a_                            1.0   
          -1488  i008_1_a__NA_kite   i008_1_a_                            1.0   
          -1484  i008_1_a__NA_kite   i008_1_a_                            1.0   

                 lemma_ART_noun_initial_cloze  lemma_NA_noun_anywhere_cloze  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                                
0         -1500                           1.0                           1.0   
          -1496                           1.0                           1.0   
          -1492                           1.0                           1.0   
          -1488                           1.0                           1.0   
          -1484                           1.0                           1.0   

                 lemma_NA_noun_initial_cloze  lemma_context_anywhere_info  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                              
0         -1500                        0.143                          1.0   
          -1496                        0.143                          1.0   
          -1492                        0.143                          1.0   
          -1488                        0.143                          1.0   
          -1484                        0.143                          1.0   

                 lemma_context_initial_info lemma_modal_anywhere  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                     
0         -1500                         1.0               [kite]   
          -1496                         1.0               [kite]   
          -1492                         1.0               [kite]   
          -1488                         1.0               [kite]   
          -1484                         1.0               [kite]   

                 lemma_modal_anywhere_cloze lemma_modal_initial  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                    
0         -1500                         1.0              [kite]   
          -1496                         1.0              [kite]   
          -1492                         1.0              [kite]   
          -1488                         1.0              [kite]   
          -1484                         1.0              [kite]   

                lemma_modal_initial_character_classes  \
Epoch_idx Time                                          
0         -1500                           [consonant]   
          -1496                           [consonant]   
          -1492                           [consonant]   
          -1488                           [consonant]   
          -1484                           [consonant]   

                 lemma_modal_initial_cloze  lemma_n_NAs  lemma_n_responses  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                               
0         -1500                        1.0          0.0               30.0   
          -1496                        1.0          0.0               30.0   
          -1492                        1.0          0.0               30.0   
          -1488                        1.0          0.0               30.0   
          -1484                        1.0          0.0               30.0   

                 lemma_n_strings  list_id  log_ccodes  log_evcodes  log_flags  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                                  
0         -1500             30.0  eeg_1_b           0            0          0   
          -1496             30.0  eeg_1_b           0            0          0   
          -1492             30.0  eeg_1_b           0            0          0   
          -1488             30.0  eeg_1_b           0            0          0   
          -1484             30.0  eeg_1_b           0            0          0   

                 match_code  match_tick  noun  noun_code  noun_pos  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                       
0         -1500           8       56265  kite      10082        12   
          -1496           8       56265  kite      10082        12   
          -1492           8       56265  kite      10082        12   
          -1488           8       56265  kite      10082        12   
          -1484           8       56265  kite      10082        12   

                 orth_ART_noun_anywhere_cloze  orth_ART_noun_initial_cloze  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                               
0         -1500                           1.0                          1.0   
          -1496                           1.0                          1.0   
          -1492                           1.0                          1.0   
          -1488                           1.0                          1.0   
          -1484                           1.0                          1.0   

                 orth_NA_noun_anywhere_cloze  orth_NA_noun_initial_cloze  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                             
0         -1500                        0.964                       0.107   
          -1496                        0.964                       0.107   
          -1492                        0.964                       0.107   
          -1488                        0.964                       0.107   
          -1484                        0.964                       0.107   

                 orth_article_initial_cloze  orth_context_anywhere_info  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                            
0         -1500                       0.857                         1.0   
          -1496                       0.857                         1.0   
          -1492                       0.857                         1.0   
          -1488                       0.857                         1.0   
          -1484                       0.857                         1.0   

                 orth_context_initial_info orth_modal_anywhere  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                   
0         -1500                        1.0              [kite]   
          -1496                        1.0              [kite]   
          -1492                        1.0              [kite]   
          -1488                        1.0              [kite]   
          -1484                        1.0              [kite]   

                 orth_modal_anywhere_cloze orth_modal_initial  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                  
0         -1500                        1.0             [kite]   
          -1496                        1.0             [kite]   
          -1492                        1.0             [kite]   
          -1488                        1.0             [kite]   
          -1484                        1.0             [kite]   

                orth_modal_initial_character_classes  \
Epoch_idx Time                                         
0         -1500                          [consonant]   
          -1496                          [consonant]   
          -1492                          [consonant]   
          -1488                          [consonant]   
          -1484                          [consonant]   

                 orth_modal_initial_cloze  orth_n_NAs  orth_n_responses  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                            
0         -1500                       1.0         0.0              30.0   
          -1496                       1.0         0.0              30.0   
          -1492                       1.0         0.0              30.0   
          -1488                       1.0         0.0              30.0   
          -1484                       1.0         0.0              30.0   

                 orth_n_strings  raw_evcodes              regexp  s1_code  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                              
0         -1500            30.0            0  (#\d{1,3}) 2 10082      NaN   
          -1496            30.0            0  (#\d{1,3}) 2 10082      NaN   
          -1492            30.0            0  (#\d{1,3}) 2 10082      NaN   
          -1488            30.0            0  (#\d{1,3}) 2 10082      NaN   
          -1484            30.0            0  (#\d{1,3}) 2 10082      NaN   

                 stim_idx  topic_n_NA  topic_n_consonants  topic_n_vowels  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                              
0         -1500         8         2.0                28.0             0.0   
          -1496         8         2.0                28.0             0.0   
          -1492         8         2.0                28.0             0.0   
          -1488         8         2.0                28.0             0.0   
          -1484         8         2.0                28.0             0.0   

                 crw_ticks  pygarv        lle        lhz      MiPf       LLPf  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                                  
0         -1500      55890       0  18.359375 -14.054688 -38.62500 -27.906250   
          -1496      55891       0  15.570312 -10.664062 -36.18750 -26.484375   
          -1492      55892       0  17.796875  -7.269531 -36.68750 -25.531250   
          -1488      55893       0  14.460938 -12.117188 -35.68750 -25.531250   
          -1484      55894       0  13.343750 -13.570312 -42.53125 -30.265625   

                     RLPf       LMPf       RMPf      LDFr      RDFr      LLFr  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                                  
0         -1500 -36.25000 -11.312500 -12.109375 -6.769531  0.243530 -4.875000   
          -1496 -32.90625  -8.601562  -9.890625 -3.384766  1.948242 -4.144531   
          -1492 -33.40625  -8.851562 -11.125000 -3.384766  0.730469 -2.437500   
          -1488 -28.62500  -6.882812  -9.390625  2.902344  2.435547 -0.243774   
          -1484 -35.31250 -14.257812 -16.812500 -5.078125 -3.896484 -6.582031   

                     RLFr      LMFr       RMFr      LMCe       RMCe      MiCe  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                                  
0         -1500 -4.054688 -6.632812  -8.039062 -4.851562 -11.992188 -4.929688   
          -1496 -1.013672 -3.039062  -5.898438  0.000000  -8.875000 -1.726562   
          -1492  0.253418 -2.763672  -6.164062  0.728027  -6.714844 -0.246582   
          -1488  0.253418  0.552734  -4.019531  4.851562  -3.119141  2.958984   
          -1484 -4.562500 -6.632812 -10.718750 -0.970703  -8.875000 -3.699219   

                     MiPa      LDCe      RDCe      LDPa       RDPa      LMOc  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                                 
0         -1500 -3.261719 -9.890625 -9.726562 -3.144531 -11.273438 -2.166016   
          -1496  2.562500 -2.966797 -6.167969  2.902344  -9.062500  1.444336   
          -1492  3.261719 -6.179688 -4.980469  0.241943  -9.062500  0.000000   
          -1488  8.148438  0.000000 -1.660156  3.628906  -5.636719  3.128906   
          -1484  1.863281 -9.148438 -7.828125 -3.871094 -10.781250 -3.611328   

                      RMOc      LLTe       RLTe       LLOc       RLOc  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                          
0         -1500  -9.375000 -3.943359 -15.453125  -6.996094 -12.015625   
          -1496  -7.214844  2.710938 -13.039062   0.241211 -14.421875   
          -1492  -7.937500 -2.218750 -13.523438  -5.546875 -18.265625   
          -1488  -4.808594  2.218750 -11.828125  -2.412109 -17.312500   
          -1484 -10.578125 -5.175781 -17.875000 -12.781250 -24.031250   

                      MiOc        A2      HEOG        rle        rhz  
Epoch_idx Time                                                        
0         -1500 -10.023438 -58.65625  0.471924   8.570312 -11.359375  
          -1496  -8.828125 -55.96875  0.708008  10.953125  -7.101562  
          -1492 -11.453125 -58.15625  0.471924  10.000000  -9.468750  
          -1488  -8.593750 -60.37500  0.708008  12.382812  -5.207031  
          -1484 -16.703125 -66.00000  0.471924   6.667969 -14.203125  


               Index  adjective  anchor_code  anchor_tick article data_group  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                                 
2538      2480  2538        NaN           90         4771       a   arquant9   
          2484  2538        NaN           90         4771       a   arquant9   
          2488  2538        NaN           90         4771       a   arquant9   
          2492  2538        NaN           90         4771       a   arquant9   
          2496  2538        NaN           90         4771       a   arquant9   

                      dblock_path  dblock_srate  dblock_ticks  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                  
2538      2480  arquant9/dblock_9         250.0          5391   
          2484  arquant9/dblock_9         250.0          5392   
          2488  arquant9/dblock_9         250.0          5393   
          2492  arquant9/dblock_9         250.0          5394   
          2496  arquant9/dblock_9         250.0          5395   

                epoch_match_tick_delta  epoch_ticks   expt  is_anchor  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                          
2538      2480                    -375         1000  eeg_1          1   
          2484                    -375         1000  eeg_1          1   
          2488                    -375         1000  eeg_1          1   
          2492                    -375         1000  eeg_1          1   
          2496                    -375         1000  eeg_1          1   

                             item_id item_id_pfx  \
Epoch_idx Time                                     
2538      2480  i090_1_a__NA_tourist   i090_1_a_   
          2484  i090_1_a__NA_tourist   i090_1_a_   
          2488  i090_1_a__NA_tourist   i090_1_a_   
          2492  i090_1_a__NA_tourist   i090_1_a_   
          2496  i090_1_a__NA_tourist   i090_1_a_   

                lemma_ART_noun_anywhere_cloze  lemma_ART_noun_initial_cloze  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                                
2538      2480                          0.967                         0.933   
          2484                          0.967                         0.933   
          2488                          0.967                         0.933   
          2492                          0.967                         0.933   
          2496                          0.967                         0.933   

                lemma_NA_noun_anywhere_cloze  lemma_NA_noun_initial_cloze  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                              
2538      2480                         0.931                        0.034   
          2484                         0.931                        0.034   
          2488                         0.931                        0.034   
          2492                         0.931                        0.034   
          2496                         0.931                        0.034   

                lemma_context_anywhere_info  lemma_context_initial_info  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                            
2538      2480                        0.694                       0.735   
          2484                        0.694                       0.735   
          2488                        0.694                       0.735   
          2492                        0.694                       0.735   
          2496                        0.694                       0.735   

               lemma_modal_anywhere  lemma_modal_anywhere_cloze  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                    
2538      2480            [tourist]                       0.935   
          2484            [tourist]                       0.935   
          2488            [tourist]                       0.935   
          2492            [tourist]                       0.935   
          2496            [tourist]                       0.935   

               lemma_modal_initial lemma_modal_initial_character_classes  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                             
2538      2480           [tourist]                           [consonant]   
          2484           [tourist]                           [consonant]   
          2488           [tourist]                           [consonant]   
          2492           [tourist]                           [consonant]   
          2496           [tourist]                           [consonant]   

                lemma_modal_initial_cloze  lemma_n_NAs  lemma_n_responses  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                              
2538      2480                      0.933          0.0               30.0   
          2484                      0.933          0.0               30.0   
          2488                      0.933          0.0               30.0   
          2492                      0.933          0.0               30.0   
          2496                      0.933          0.0               30.0   

                lemma_n_strings  list_id  log_ccodes  log_evcodes  log_flags  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                                 
2538      2480             31.0  eeg_1_a           0            0          0   
          2484             31.0  eeg_1_a           0            0          0   
          2488             31.0  eeg_1_a           0            0          0   
          2492             31.0  eeg_1_a           0            0          0   
          2496             31.0  eeg_1_a           0            0          0   

                match_code  match_tick     noun  noun_code  noun_pos  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                         
2538      2480          90        4771  tourist      10902        23   
          2484          90        4771  tourist      10902        23   
          2488          90        4771  tourist      10902        23   
          2492          90        4771  tourist      10902        23   
          2496          90        4771  tourist      10902        23   

                orth_ART_noun_anywhere_cloze  orth_ART_noun_initial_cloze  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                              
2538      2480                         0.967                        0.933   
          2484                         0.967                        0.933   
          2488                         0.967                        0.933   
          2492                         0.967                        0.933   
          2496                         0.967                        0.933   

                orth_NA_noun_anywhere_cloze  orth_NA_noun_initial_cloze  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                            
2538      2480                        0.931                       0.034   
          2484                        0.931                       0.034   
          2488                        0.931                       0.034   
          2492                        0.931                       0.034   
          2496                        0.931                       0.034   

                orth_article_initial_cloze  orth_context_anywhere_info  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                           
2538      2480                       0.966                       0.694   
          2484                       0.966                       0.694   
          2488                       0.966                       0.694   
          2492                       0.966                       0.694   
          2496                       0.966                       0.694   

                orth_context_initial_info orth_modal_anywhere  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                  
2538      2480                      0.735           [tourist]   
          2484                      0.735           [tourist]   
          2488                      0.735           [tourist]   
          2492                      0.735           [tourist]   
          2496                      0.735           [tourist]   

                orth_modal_anywhere_cloze orth_modal_initial  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                 
2538      2480                      0.935          [tourist]   
          2484                      0.935          [tourist]   
          2488                      0.935          [tourist]   
          2492                      0.935          [tourist]   
          2496                      0.935          [tourist]   

               orth_modal_initial_character_classes  orth_modal_initial_cloze  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                                  
2538      2480                          [consonant]                     0.933   
          2484                          [consonant]                     0.933   
          2488                          [consonant]                     0.933   
          2492                          [consonant]                     0.933   
          2496                          [consonant]                     0.933   

                orth_n_NAs  orth_n_responses  orth_n_strings  raw_evcodes  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                              
2538      2480         0.0              30.0            31.0            0   
          2484         0.0              30.0            31.0            0   
          2488         0.0              30.0            31.0            0   
          2492         0.0              30.0            31.0            0   
          2496         0.0              30.0            31.0            0   

                            regexp  s1_code  stim_idx  topic_n_NA  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                      
2538      2480  (#\d{1,3}) 2 10902      NaN        90         1.0   
          2484  (#\d{1,3}) 2 10902      NaN        90         1.0   
          2488  (#\d{1,3}) 2 10902      NaN        90         1.0   
          2492  (#\d{1,3}) 2 10902      NaN        90         1.0   
          2496  (#\d{1,3}) 2 10902      NaN        90         1.0   

                topic_n_consonants  topic_n_vowels  crw_ticks  pygarv  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                          
2538      2480                29.0             0.0     696847       0   
          2484                29.0             0.0     696848       0   
          2488                29.0             0.0     696849       0   
          2492                29.0             0.0     696850       0   
          2496                29.0             0.0     696851       0   

                      lle        lhz      MiPf       LLPf      RLPf  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                        
2538      2480  21.671875  26.171875 -38.09375 -23.640625 -50.59375   
          2484  25.000000  25.687500 -38.09375 -17.968750 -60.12500   
          2488  23.890625  24.718750 -34.18750 -19.859375 -49.62500   
          2492  15.562500  21.328125 -39.09375 -27.906250 -51.06250   
          2496  13.335938  19.875000 -39.09375 -36.406250 -47.25000   

                     LMPf       RMPf       LDFr       RDFr      LLFr  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                         
2538      2480  -9.562500 -11.890625 -15.234375 -14.164062  37.93750   
          2484 -10.054688 -12.382812 -14.265625  -9.281250  37.46875   
          2488  -8.335938  -5.203125  -7.980469  -3.419922  39.90625   
          2492 -11.281250  -5.449219 -13.539062  -7.082031  45.96875   
          2496 -17.406250 -10.156250 -16.921875  -9.523438  43.31250   

                     RLFr      LMFr      RMFr       LMCe      RMCe      MiCe  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                                 
2538      2480 -24.281250 -4.687500 -5.644531 -18.968750  2.638672 -8.390625   
          2484 -20.484375 -3.308594 -2.687500 -18.484375  4.558594 -6.417969   
          2488 -18.468750  1.377930  2.419922 -16.296875  8.156250 -3.455078   
          2492 -26.312500 -1.929688 -0.537598 -19.703125  4.796875 -6.417969   
          2496 -31.875000 -5.789062 -3.226562 -23.343750  2.878906 -9.625000   

                     MiPa       LDCe      RDCe       LDPa      RDPa  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                        
2538      2480  -9.070312 -13.351562  2.128906  -3.876953 -5.632812   
          2484  -9.304688 -13.351562  5.203125  -6.300781 -4.406250   
          2488  -5.816406 -11.125000  9.937500  -4.363281 -1.224609   
          2492 -11.632812 -14.093750  5.914062  -7.753906 -6.367188   
          2496 -13.726562 -19.281250  3.785156 -11.632812 -6.855469   

                     LMOc       RMOc       LLTe       RLTe      LLOc  \
Epoch_idx Time                                                         
2538      2480  -6.484375  -9.414062  15.500000 -17.812500  3.855469   
          2484  -8.164062  -8.929688  11.070312 -16.375000 -2.410156   
          2488  -5.523438  -5.550781   9.101562 -15.406250 -2.650391   
          2492 -10.562500 -12.789062   6.640625 -19.734375 -3.615234   
          2496 -13.687500 -13.757812   1.475586 -16.843750 -9.882812   

                     RLOc       MiOc         A2      HEOG        rle       rhz  
Epoch_idx Time                                                                  
2538      2480 -12.507812  -9.742188 -23.250000  0.236938  -9.546875  3.791016  
          2484  -8.414062  -8.554688 -20.062500  0.236938  -9.546875  3.791016  
          2488  -4.328125  -6.652344 -16.156250  0.000000  -9.546875  5.210938  
          2492 -15.148438 -14.015625 -16.640625  0.236938 -10.500000  0.473877  
          2496 -16.828125 -16.390625 -18.359375  0.000000 -13.367188 -1.421875